307: Wayne Knight’s Driving the Van

 Once again, we are settling age old comic book debates this week. Is The Punisher a villain? What’s better, Kirby’s Marvel work or his DC work? Has Shazam always just been a Superman ripoff? Those questions and exactly three… Continue Reading


306: Third Time’s the Swarm!

We haven’t seen Shang-Chi yet, so instead we’re doing another exciting LIGHTNING ROUND! Join us for so many mini-topics you’re guaranteed* to find something you love! Comic characters hosting podcasts! A quiz about quizzes! New kid sidekicks for Wolverine! New… Continue Reading


305: I Am Iron Perlman

 It’s Multiverse Madness this week on Zero Issues! From a new game called CHARACTER SMASH where we smushy smush two completely unrelated characters together to create new ridiculous (but highly marketable) characters, to the main topic where we each… Continue Reading


304: Shuma-Gorath Does Laundry on Mondays

 This week, we’re tumbling out of bed and stumbling to the kitchen, pouring ourselves a cup of ambition, and yawning, stretching, and talking about super heroes with day jobs. From the ones with crappy jobs, like Hal Jordan selling… Continue Reading


303: What If… Venom was a Cool Jacket?

To celebrate the launch of “WHAT IF…?” on Disney+, we cook up some “what if” questions of our own! Come with us to explore alternate worlds where… The Vision was made by Apple or Microsoft! The Phoenix Force chose Wolverine… Continue Reading


302: Ghost Rider got Pantene

 Another brand new podcast episode! Shocking news! GASP! Fun games! WOW! Exhilarating stories! HUZZAH! We’ve got it all, from controversial news across the pond, to a hilarious (and slightly gross) game of Character Storm (with a special Masters of… Continue Reading


301: Nicolas Cage Tai Chi

 We’re all extremely ill with Olympics fever this week, and the only cure for Olympic fever? Our own Olympics, with Jughead, and Bumblebee, and Randy Quaid! Listen in as we argue over which of our clearly-not-thought-through champions deserves the… Continue Reading


300: Somebody Says Something Stupid and That’s the Title

 WOW!! 300 episodes!! It’s a big moment for these three little nerd boys, so to celebrate talking about comics for 300 maniacal podcast episodes, we do something a little different and ply deep into each other’s psyches with a… Continue Reading


299: Jim “Shooter” McGavin – A Zero Hour Tie-In

Comics: Interrupted! This week, on the brink of an anniversary episode that will *change everything forever* [not a guarantee], we look back at one of our most-hated comic trends – the invasive crossover event that disrupts your monthly titles and… Continue Reading


298: It was a Fear Demon

 This week’s episode was all about Black Widow and Loki, and had huge spoilers for both, but then a fear demon showed up, and now it’s all about retcons! From Puck originally being 6’6″, to Hal Jordan not really… Continue Reading