434: John Lith-Go @#$% Yourself

A week late, but worth the wait! As we enter a weird summer movie season in a year with few superhero movies, at least by 21st century standards, we feel compelled to discuss the untapped cinematic potential of comic series… Continue Reading


425: Could You Turn Human Bones into Glue?

We’ve got a real Beast Wars situation on our hands! Okay, so maybe not a *real* Beast Wars situation, what with the no Transformers to speak of, but more of a lower case beast wars situation. These beasts, they be… Continue Reading


421: Have We Ever Talked About Doctor Bong?

We were gonna do an episode on drugs for episode #420, but then we… aw, you know the song. This week we discuss drugs in comics, the comic characters who likely partake, the wild and weird fictional drugs, Does the… Continue Reading


375: Trying to Pronounce “Nth Metal”

 This week, we’re playing one of our favourites: Comic Book Cards Against Humanity! You know how this works: one of us reads a “call” card with a blank space on it, and the other two try to fill in… Continue Reading


350: Devito Doritos

 It’s episode 350! Time for Doritos! And Devito! This week we’re short a host but we persevere to give you the mid grade quality podcast you expect and love! We talk Thor and a new Thanos one shot, Loki… Continue Reading


307: Wayne Knight’s Driving the Van

 Once again, we are settling age old comic book debates this week. Is The Punisher a villain? What’s better, Kirby’s Marvel work or his DC work? Has Shazam always just been a Superman ripoff? Those questions and exactly three… Continue Reading


230: So Let’s Talk About the Starfox in the Room

Starfox. Starfox! STARFOX! (Not that one.) Let’s not mince words: Eros the Eternal, Avenger, brother of Thanos, and defendant of lawsuits, is what you could call… problematic. “The power to stimulate the pleasure centre of the brain” maybe doesn’t play… Continue Reading


220: 2019 Shrieking to a Close

2019 sure has been a year… and continues to be, as a whole slew of comic and pop-culture news hits right before the end! So to get it all out of our systems, it’s an all-news episode!! Marvel Studios consumes… Continue Reading


151: With the Power of His Adult Man Brain

Betty vs. Veronica? Star Trek vs. Star Wars? Batman vs. Literally Anyone? Fans have debated these questions for decades, and finally, FINALLY, we settle ten of the biggest arguments in fandom once or for all! (And we mean it! No… Continue Reading