396: Get Me Out of Your Mouth. We’re Bros.

 It’s TURTLE TIME! With the new TMNT movie arriving, we’re doing a turtle episode! Kyle begins by interviewing esteemed Turtle scholar Esa Keltamaki about the TMNT comic series ‘The Last Ronin’-SPOILERS. Bry listened to part of it. Merk intentionally… Continue Reading


393: ROMish the Non-Electric Space Knight

 TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH THE ZERO ISSUES BOYS! Or at least about 44 mins of it, as we discuss time travel in comics!! Join us as we discuss time travel storylines and pitch a few of our own! Specifically… Continue Reading


389: Bananas In. Bananas Out. That’s What Banana Eating is All About!

 Acting!!! Thespians!!! Performers!! Pantomimers….. ok maybe not that one. We’re talking about Comic Book Actors this week. Specifically actors/actresses who have done MULTIPLE comic book roles. Who’s done most? Who’s done the best? Who’s done the worst? We probably… Continue Reading


382: Superman’s Race with the Flash – Sponsored by Brown Sprite

 It’s DRAMATIC READING time and we have a CLASSIC DOOZY for ya!! Superman racing the Flash! It doesn’t get much more iconic than that…. but we can make it a lot weirder and funnier! And we do! Listen along… Continue Reading


379: Tawky Tawny Taking Off all his Clothes to Feed his Kids

 SHAZAM!! With the wisdom of Solomon (your cousin Sol, y’know, the guy who was decided to not wear pants to the last family event) we elect to celebrate the new Shazam film by having a Shazam themed LIGHTNING ROUND!!… Continue Reading