431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


415: Crom Laughs At Your TARDIS!

2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading


324: REBCAST! (The Reb Brown Podcast)

Resurrecting seemingly-dead franchises and series is all the rage these days, from Snyder finally getting his Cut, to returning Batmen, Spider-Men and Supermen, to fan campaigns to bring back old favourites as far as the eye can read! We have… Continue Reading