431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


424: Alfred With Nunchucks (and Other Rounds of Lightning)

It’s time for another LIGHTNING ROUND! Featuring multiple concise but electric mini-segments! No attention span required! Kyle challenges us to pit randomly-selected comic characters against each other in battle with weapons, in a completely original segment we’re calling, uh, SUPAR… Continue Reading


266: Ted’s Not Here, Man

 This week is aaaaall about the year 2000! It was twenty years ago, and… look, I’m gonna level with you. I edited this episode two weeks ago. I can’t remember what we talked about, really. I know that we… Continue Reading


Episode 20: Game Changers – Batman is a Series of Circles

This week, we’re tackling game changers, with very little prep! Hopefully it doesn’t show! Those things that have come, seemingly out of nowhere, and changed the comic book industry. Grim ‘n gritty re-imaginings, non big-two comic publishers, the balance of… Continue Reading