415: Crom Laughs At Your TARDIS!

2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading


284: What If Wolverine Was a Toronto Raccoon?

After the marathon Snyder Cut episode of last week, how about something shorter, lighter & more fast paced? And raccoons. We got ya covered. This week the boys are all over the map exploring what else? Comics! And Worf. The… Continue Reading


197: Raising Cable

 This week the boys take it on the road! …. or at least talk about comic characters taking it on the road. With Spidey: Far from Home coming out they discuss heroes out & about, traveling the world! And… Continue Reading