415: Crom Laughs At Your TARDIS!
2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading
2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading
After the marathon Snyder Cut episode of last week, how about something shorter, lighter & more fast paced? And raccoons. We got ya covered. This week the boys are all over the map exploring what else? Comics! And Worf. The… Continue Reading
This week the boys take it on the road! …. or at least talk about comic characters taking it on the road. With Spidey: Far from Home coming out they discuss heroes out & about, traveling the world! And… Continue Reading