434: John Lith-Go @#$% Yourself

A week late, but worth the wait! As we enter a weird summer movie season in a year with few superhero movies, at least by 21st century standards, we feel compelled to discuss the untapped cinematic potential of comic series… Continue Reading


433: Righty Tighty, Lefty Gone

 The first season of Xmen 97 is OVER!!! And WOW, was it sumpin, huh?! So the boys plunge into it’s depths and ask all the big questions…. Was that Polaris or Greeny Mcgoozle? Does Silver Samurai wish he was… Continue Reading


427: Welcome to Die

To us, our listeners! X-Men ’97’s first season is about halfway over and there’s been a lot to discuss. So let’s do that! We dig into the first four episodes of the nostalgic revival cartoon, and while we all enjoyed… Continue Reading


412: When You Have Optic Blasts, Every Problem is a Nail

Oh no, I missed mean ol’ Professor Xavier’s class last week, and now we’re all stuck in detention! And he’s forcing the whole class to judge his original five students against each other by some very scientific criteria: Powers! Fighting… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


362: Cyclops in Blues Traveler

 Oh boy! Lots going on this week! Here’s the briefo rundowno! For a warm up we’re invested in bringing you the very vest… er …. best… or worst, rather, in comic costume redesigns. From Nova to Miles Morales, to… Continue Reading


355: Sizzle War

The mutants are a-comin’! But how? How is Marvel going to fit a whole species into their already bloated slate of movies, TV shows, and other assorted bric-a-brac? That’s what we aim to figure out, this week! But first: we’ve… Continue Reading