437: No Ice Cream Until You Join The Defenders

The question all comic fans have wrestled with their whole lives! Which member of The Defenders is the best Defender!? We take five, uh, famous Defenders — The Silver Surfer! Hellcat! Nighthawk! Moondragon! Valkyrie! — and pit them against each… Continue Reading


433: Righty Tighty, Lefty Gone

 The first season of Xmen 97 is OVER!!! And WOW, was it sumpin, huh?! So the boys plunge into it’s depths and ask all the big questions…. Was that Polaris or Greeny Mcgoozle? Does Silver Samurai wish he was… Continue Reading


427: Welcome to Die

To us, our listeners! X-Men ’97’s first season is about halfway over and there’s been a lot to discuss. So let’s do that! We dig into the first four episodes of the nostalgic revival cartoon, and while we all enjoyed… Continue Reading


422: Henry Cavill as Wet Senator Kelly

This week on a completely unplanned and very loosey goosey episode, we go over what Henry Cavill could possibly do in the MCU (and boy, there are options!), revisiting the first X-Men movie (which came out 24 goddamned years ago.… Continue Reading


421: Have We Ever Talked About Doctor Bong?

We were gonna do an episode on drugs for episode #420, but then we… aw, you know the song. This week we discuss drugs in comics, the comic characters who likely partake, the wild and weird fictional drugs, Does the… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 29, 2024

Whoa, look at all this news! What if… Marvel used their “What If…” brand for Aliens comics… and also gave us the Paul Reiser / Phil Noto crossover we’ve all long dreamed of? Right?? If you’re an X-Fan who would… Continue Reading


412: When You Have Optic Blasts, Every Problem is a Nail

Oh no, I missed mean ol’ Professor Xavier’s class last week, and now we’re all stuck in detention! And he’s forcing the whole class to judge his original five students against each other by some very scientific criteria: Powers! Fighting… Continue Reading


404: Introducing LeatherPhoebe

I dunno if it’s just us or the entire movie-watching public, but is there a case of the blahs going around? Martin Scorsese says comic-book movies are Ruining Cinema — and what if he’s right? Join us for a thoughtful… Continue Reading


375: Trying to Pronounce “Nth Metal”

 This week, we’re playing one of our favourites: Comic Book Cards Against Humanity! You know how this works: one of us reads a “call” card with a blank space on it, and the other two try to fill in… Continue Reading