433: Righty Tighty, Lefty Gone

 The first season of Xmen 97 is OVER!!! And WOW, was it sumpin, huh?! So the boys plunge into it’s depths and ask all the big questions…. Was that Polaris or Greeny Mcgoozle? Does Silver Samurai wish he was… Continue Reading


430: Some Variance to her Sugahs

 OH MAN!! X-Men 97 continues and we talk episodes 5-7. OH THAT EPISODE 5….. Spoilers of course. Lifedeath! Genosha! Gambit! Rogue! Magneto! And Leech?!? What about Leech!?!? Charlie in space! Werner Herzog as Angel! Let my Cameron Hodge go!… Continue Reading


Newsflash for April 8 2024 – News That’s NOT the ECLIPSE

 It’s monday newsday! And this week is…well… it’s been a week. Ed Piskor. Mark Bright. Julia Garner as Shalla Bal (and people freaked) Space Ghost comic! And Bry got a tattoo! The ups and the downs and the all… Continue Reading


423: When in Doubt, Blame Dennis!

 Indie comic creator interview!! Writer Dennis Robinson joins us and discusses his latest chapter of LYCAN:SOLOMON’S ODYSSEY! A gripping tale of the origin of the werewolf! We discuss his Kickstarter for chapter 3 that’s up now, why he decided… Continue Reading


409: You Can’t Get Real Cocaine in Thunder Bay: The Secret Origin of Sneezy Leezy

 It’s Kyle’s birthday so Bry & Merk decide to FINALLY reveal his secret origin! Hear about Baby Beard Kyle! Ol’ hickory eyes Lees they called him. Hear about his crime fighting career as Sneeze Lees and his sidekick Tooters.… Continue Reading


406: Two Bodies Paid in Full!!

 Scary dramatic read time!! The boys read and act out ‘Nightmare Merchant’ from Strange Fantasy comics 7, 1953! That’s not a milkman… it’s the BLOODMAN!! But we’ll say no more! We dare not! It’s too scarrrrryyy…… but really, Bry’s… Continue Reading


Newsflash: Oct 2, 2023

 Oct 2, 2023 newsflash time! It’s the writer’s strike! It’s AI comics! It’s Wall-E or is it Dall-E or is it Dali? We dunno. We talk content creators and Dan Didio’s interesting rant on corporations and the hullabaloo! Jack… Continue Reading


387: The Chip Zdarsky Interview – Add Beards, Do Cocaine

 Chip Zdarsky! We interview Chip Zdarsky! Lookit us! Talking to other people and stuff. Chip of course is a comic writer/artist of such books as Sex Criminals, Public Domain, Kaptara, Jughead, Howard the Duck, Daredevil and that little title… Continue Reading


382: Superman’s Race with the Flash – Sponsored by Brown Sprite

 It’s DRAMATIC READING time and we have a CLASSIC DOOZY for ya!! Superman racing the Flash! It doesn’t get much more iconic than that…. but we can make it a lot weirder and funnier! And we do! Listen along… Continue Reading