Newsflash for April 8 2024 – News That’s NOT the ECLIPSE

 It’s monday newsday! And this week is…well… it’s been a week. Ed Piskor. Mark Bright. Julia Garner as Shalla Bal (and people freaked) Space Ghost comic! And Bry got a tattoo! The ups and the downs and the all… Continue Reading


409: You Can’t Get Real Cocaine in Thunder Bay: The Secret Origin of Sneezy Leezy

 It’s Kyle’s birthday so Bry & Merk decide to FINALLY reveal his secret origin! Hear about Baby Beard Kyle! Ol’ hickory eyes Lees they called him. Hear about his crime fighting career as Sneeze Lees and his sidekick Tooters.… Continue Reading


Newsflash: February 6, 2023

WHOA! Have we got a LOT to talk about on the news…. in a short time! It’s a Zero Issues Newsflash Monday News episode and we’re talking about the DC Film announcements from James Gunn & Peter Safran! What’s staying?… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3: Free with the Kisses

 We’re still on vacation! This week we’re in freaking ATLANTIS!!! So while we drown, you get to listen to Merk’s pick for a CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES episode….. Free with the Kisses….. that’s the name of it. Free with the… Continue Reading