426: Van Jesus (and Other Easter-Adjacent Tales)

It’s an all-Easter Dramatic Read triple feature! Uh, sort of? If the Easter Bunny and/or Jesus Christ appear, we say it counts. So join us as we bring the printed page to audio life! First up, “Big” Ethel Muggs learns… Continue Reading


406: Two Bodies Paid in Full!!

 Scary dramatic read time!! The boys read and act out ‘Nightmare Merchant’ from Strange Fantasy comics 7, 1953! That’s not a milkman… it’s the BLOODMAN!! But we’ll say no more! We dare not! It’s too scarrrrryyy…… but really, Bry’s… Continue Reading


356: I Would Like the Karloff Space Weed, Please

 It’s dramatic reading time! Put on your space helmets and your horror hats… wait… that’s two hats. Sorry. I had too much of the Karloff Space Weed. Just… do… um….. click…. the thing that…. awwwww…. man. Click the thing.… Continue Reading


142: Creaky Bones and a Jughead Face

 This week, the boys are down a member. Bry is off looking for the cure for polio but Merk & Kyle are still here for LIGHTNING ROUND!!! A barrage of quick topics & bits it is! Merk will explain… Continue Reading


Zero Issues Holiday Half Pint 11-I Don’t Think That’s How Plants Work

 It’s that time of the season again! HOLIDAY HALF PINTS!!! 12 mini episodes leading up to Dec 25th! Episode 11!! Oh sweet baby Jesus, we’re almost there! Today, not one, but TWO dramatic reads! One is ULTRA fantastic and… Continue Reading