Newsflash: January 23, 2023

The newsboys are back for another ZERO ISSUES NEWSFLASH! It’s the beginning of the end of the beginning of the Venomverse, but the Denim Gwenomverse will surely endure. ComiXology suffers another brutal blow by their owners at Amazon. Crystal Dynamics’… Continue Reading


317: Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye

 It’s HAWKEYE DAY!!! Or Toga Hawkeye day. Or Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye day. Whatever. It’s Clint Barton Day (And Kate Bishop!). We’re celebrating the release of the Disney+ MCU Hawkeye series by talkin’ Hawkeye! The good, the bad, and the… Continue Reading


305: I Am Iron Perlman

 It’s Multiverse Madness this week on Zero Issues! From a new game called CHARACTER SMASH where we smushy smush two completely unrelated characters together to create new ridiculous (but highly marketable) characters, to the main topic where we each… Continue Reading