431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


421: Have We Ever Talked About Doctor Bong?

We were gonna do an episode on drugs for episode #420, but then we… aw, you know the song. This week we discuss drugs in comics, the comic characters who likely partake, the wild and weird fictional drugs, Does the… Continue Reading


416: Cucking Azazel

 Happy January the 10th! This week, we’re talking about what we want in the world of comics this year. They aren’t big asks! We simply request that maybe the Big Two don’t turn everything into an event, tell smaller,… Continue Reading


414: Wax for Cap’s Shield

 It’s HOLIDAY time, folks! So we have a special Christmas episode on Zero Issues… where Kyle & Merk send Bry on a mission with an impossible gift list…. and then they talk about comic characters. Because THAT’S what the… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


404: Introducing LeatherPhoebe

I dunno if it’s just us or the entire movie-watching public, but is there a case of the blahs going around? Martin Scorsese says comic-book movies are Ruining Cinema — and what if he’s right? Join us for a thoughtful… Continue Reading


399: Double Bowie Krang

 We’re back together! No, really. We are. The boys are back together in the same room for the first time after zoom recording for a LONG time. So what do we have planned? um…. nothing. We’re just gonna get… Continue Reading


398: Are We Gonna Be on STROMBO?

It’s time once again for the POWER! The power of Power Records, of course! They were comics that came with a record of a performance of the same comic, and they sure were something. This time we’re listening and riffing… Continue Reading


383: I Wanna Lex You Up

Inspired by the announcement of Waid & Hitch on “The Last Days of Lex Luthor”, we look at the many versions of that hairless hater of Superman, talk about our favourite versions of ol’ Lex, then decide… Hey, never mind… Continue Reading


382: Superman’s Race with the Flash – Sponsored by Brown Sprite

 It’s DRAMATIC READING time and we have a CLASSIC DOOZY for ya!! Superman racing the Flash! It doesn’t get much more iconic than that…. but we can make it a lot weirder and funnier! And we do! Listen along… Continue Reading