352: Can Someone Get this Weird Sticky Kid out of our House?

Holy hell, we have an episode to record! Time to pull out whatever miscellaneous crap we can find! For you, the listener, whom we’re, like, in love with and going to marry, apparently. Direct Download: MP3


348: Don’t Quote Me on this Podcast that’s Recorded and Released Online

 The Zero Issues July Vacation Classic Spectacular comes to a close! As the boys try to remember how they got to the blue side of the Moon, enjoy what may be the most classic “classic” of all: We’re baaaaaaack!… Continue Reading


303: What If… Venom was a Cool Jacket?

To celebrate the launch of “WHAT IF…?” on Disney+, we cook up some “what if” questions of our own! Come with us to explore alternate worlds where… The Vision was made by Apple or Microsoft! The Phoenix Force chose Wolverine… Continue Reading


295: I Mean, It’s Fine

 It’s podcasting time, for real! This week, we’re talking about the never-meant-for-release-but-you-can-totally-find-it-on-YouTube Fantastic Four movie, from 1994! Marvel at the use of TMNT-level Thing anamatronics, be dumbfounded by the age gap between Reed and Sue, struggle in vain to… Continue Reading


285: I Want My Corpse Back!

It’s resurrection time!! This week we talk about the age ol’ comic traditions of coming back from the dead! Sometimes done well, and sometimes…..not. And sometimes it’s Aunt May. Plus a load of news from Predator cancellations, to the Marvel/Random… Continue Reading


269: We Can Always Talk About DB Cooper

 Well Disney dropped a BOMBSHELL the other day, announcing their upcoming plans for all of their properties for the next bazillion years at their investors conference! We of course are focusing on the MARVEL next phase announcements! SO MANY!!!… Continue Reading


240: Just a Green Bobby Hill

Mother’s Day was, uh, almost two weeks ago… and to, um, celebrate… we’re talking about the worst-ever kids in comics! We compare the worst of the Robins! We discover the fourth, psychotic nephew of Donald Duck! We assemble an all-star… Continue Reading


142: Creaky Bones and a Jughead Face

 This week, the boys are down a member. Bry is off looking for the cure for polio but Merk & Kyle are still here for LIGHTNING ROUND!!! A barrage of quick topics & bits it is! Merk will explain… Continue Reading


Episode 18: Team Ups – Magneater!

This week we team up with the good people at Sleeping Giant Brewing Company (okay, we do that every episode) to talk about comic book team-ups! Archie Meets the Punisher, Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team, and Namor and Doom… Continue Reading