444: It’s the Dude from the Card!

This week, we’re spending most of the episode playing Battle Holes, the card game that uses comic book trading cards from the ’90s. You could always play it yourself using, oh, some cards that are readily being given away from… Continue Reading


440: It’s a Bit Like Herding Xenomorphs

Class warfare! In this time of inequality and ever-rising costs of living, it’s time to take a look at superheroes living on very different sides of the class divide! The working class heroes with day jobs and the upper iron… Continue Reading


439: Equal Opportunity Stink

 It’s alternate ending week on Zero Issues as the boys take well known comic storylines and do a little ‘tweaking’ of the story…. sometimes for good…. sometimes for evil. Onslaught! Hush! Superman vs the Flash! And more! Plus Merk… Continue Reading


433: Righty Tighty, Lefty Gone

 The first season of Xmen 97 is OVER!!! And WOW, was it sumpin, huh?! So the boys plunge into it’s depths and ask all the big questions…. Was that Polaris or Greeny Mcgoozle? Does Silver Samurai wish he was… Continue Reading


427: Welcome to Die

To us, our listeners! X-Men ’97’s first season is about halfway over and there’s been a lot to discuss. So let’s do that! We dig into the first four episodes of the nostalgic revival cartoon, and while we all enjoyed… Continue Reading


415: Crom Laughs At Your TARDIS!

2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading


374: Don’t Wipe With Your Hook Hand

Injuries, illnesses, ailments and disabilities have a long, strange, and often impossibly temporary history in comics. Why are some characters permanently changed while others seem to have a revolving door of miracle cures? (We’re looking at you, Chuck!) Even by… Continue Reading


355: Sizzle War

The mutants are a-comin’! But how? How is Marvel going to fit a whole species into their already bloated slate of movies, TV shows, and other assorted bric-a-brac? That’s what we aim to figure out, this week! But first: we’ve… Continue Reading


308: Magneto of Green Gables

 It’s a big election week this week in ol’ Canada, so the boys have decided to talk politics! No! Come back! It’s us! We’re ridiculous about it and it all involves comic books! How would Batman vote? What comic… Continue Reading