440: It’s a Bit Like Herding Xenomorphs

Class warfare! In this time of inequality and ever-rising costs of living, it’s time to take a look at superheroes living on very different sides of the class divide! The working class heroes with day jobs and the upper iron… Continue Reading


418: Nobody Puts Steranko on the Crate

This week we’re taking a look at the career, impact, legacy, and most importantly STORIES of the one and only Jim Steranko! An innovator, a showman, a living legend, and one that’s no stranger to controversy (let’s be real, controversies,… Continue Reading


386: Taserface II – Requiem

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is upon us, all 600 distinct versions of it, and we were lucky enough to see version #539! And maybe we were some of the lucky few, because nobody else seems to be talking… Continue Reading


378: Wolverine is a Rich Little Fancy Gentleman

This week we’ve gone team-up crazy! Time for a free-wheeling discussion about the glorious tradition of Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, The Brave and the Bold, and all the wacky combos of the biggest, the weirdest, and the downright obscure! What… Continue Reading


275: Hope v Dickery: Debate of Superman

Superman: beacon of hope, or beacon of NOPE? That’s the question we grapple with today! Does Superman inspire humanity to greatness, or is he just a power-rich jerk in a dumb cape? Do other heroes better represent the hopeful ideal?… Continue Reading


222: Hindsight and 2020

 And just like that, 2019 is over, and 2020 is upon us! Last year, we made a whooooole bunch of predictions for how 2019 was going to go, and now it’s time to crack open that audio time capsule… Continue Reading


196: Dial B for Blister

Canada Day approaches! And to celebrate we’re talking all about superheroes who exhibit the most important Canadian quality: a thin veneer of politeness! (And even that’s asking a lot of these guys, yeesh.) What characters and creators are sorry? And… Continue Reading


177: Christma-ka-ka-KOOM!

Christmas day is almost here, so it’s time to celebrate with a LIGHTNING ROUND in your stocking! (You… you heard us!) Join us on a fast-paced, maaaybe raunchier-than-usual mad journey as we pitch comic holiday specials (including the returns of… Continue Reading


159: The Eye of Mike Del Mundo

  This week, we’re trying our darnedest to make Doctor Druid into an interesting character. Yes, I know what you’re thinking, “who?”, but we cover that as well. Everything from Super Frasier to I-Know-I’m-Not-Doctor-Strange-But-Neither-Are-You to a heavy, solemn series about… Continue Reading