394: More Like Trashpoint

 We’ve waited long enough! The time is now to talk about The Flash, because everyone who’s going to have seen it has seen it. And look, I know that us saying that, and also calling this episode “Trashpoint,” makes… Continue Reading


378: Wolverine is a Rich Little Fancy Gentleman

This week we’ve gone team-up crazy! Time for a free-wheeling discussion about the glorious tradition of Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, The Brave and the Bold, and all the wacky combos of the biggest, the weirdest, and the downright obscure! What… Continue Reading


338: All the Batmen

 Batmen! Batmen! Batmen! Say it three times in a mirror while holding a baby robin and a bat in your pants … and nothing happens. Well maybe rabies. That’s another urban legend. This however is the legend of the… Continue Reading