448: Adolph Lundgren for Slap Chop

 OH MAN! Where to start! Bry is off this week and Kyle & Merk go bonkers! What happens you ask? What do they talk about? Well…. Rock bottom finishing moves. Dazzler: Marvel’s Salute to walking sticks. Baby characters. X-book… Continue Reading


442: Knull – Player 2 Marvel Dracula and other Symbiote Stuff

 The Trailer for Venom 3 has come out and 5 minutes have gone by since we’ve seen a symbiote centered comic event, so let’s talk SYMBIOTES! What do we think of them? How have they evolved? What are some… Continue Reading


440: It’s a Bit Like Herding Xenomorphs

Class warfare! In this time of inequality and ever-rising costs of living, it’s time to take a look at superheroes living on very different sides of the class divide! The working class heroes with day jobs and the upper iron… Continue Reading


431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


425: Could You Turn Human Bones into Glue?

We’ve got a real Beast Wars situation on our hands! Okay, so maybe not a *real* Beast Wars situation, what with the no Transformers to speak of, but more of a lower case beast wars situation. These beasts, they be… Continue Reading


424: Alfred With Nunchucks (and Other Rounds of Lightning)

It’s time for another LIGHTNING ROUND! Featuring multiple concise but electric mini-segments! No attention span required! Kyle challenges us to pit randomly-selected comic characters against each other in battle with weapons, in a completely original segment we’re calling, uh, SUPAR… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 29, 2024

Whoa, look at all this news! What if… Marvel used their “What If…” brand for Aliens comics… and also gave us the Paul Reiser / Phil Noto crossover we’ve all long dreamed of? Right?? If you’re an X-Fan who would… Continue Reading


418: Nobody Puts Steranko on the Crate

This week we’re taking a look at the career, impact, legacy, and most importantly STORIES of the one and only Jim Steranko! An innovator, a showman, a living legend, and one that’s no stranger to controversy (let’s be real, controversies,… Continue Reading