317: Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye

 It’s HAWKEYE DAY!!! Or Toga Hawkeye day. Or Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye day. Whatever. It’s Clint Barton Day (And Kate Bishop!). We’re celebrating the release of the Disney+ MCU Hawkeye series by talkin’ Hawkeye! The good, the bad, and the… Continue Reading


316: Celery Day Stalkslam

 For thousands of years, the debate has raged: Christmas? Halloween? Which is the supreme holiday? Today we solve this decisively, once and for all, ion the typical manner of making a bunch of characters, each representing one of the… Continue Reading


315: The Skrull Cows Show Up in This!

You KNOW it’s serious when it’s superhero event time and “war” is in the title! Even though it happens with just alarming regularity, really. We dig deep into a wild variety of superhero war stories: The Kree-Skrull War, The Evolutionary… Continue Reading


306: Third Time’s the Swarm!

We haven’t seen Shang-Chi yet, so instead we’re doing another exciting LIGHTNING ROUND! Join us for so many mini-topics you’re guaranteed* to find something you love! Comic characters hosting podcasts! A quiz about quizzes! New kid sidekicks for Wolverine! New… Continue Reading


305: I Am Iron Perlman

 It’s Multiverse Madness this week on Zero Issues! From a new game called CHARACTER SMASH where we smushy smush two completely unrelated characters together to create new ridiculous (but highly marketable) characters, to the main topic where we each… Continue Reading


303: What If… Venom was a Cool Jacket?

To celebrate the launch of “WHAT IF…?” on Disney+, we cook up some “what if” questions of our own! Come with us to explore alternate worlds where… The Vision was made by Apple or Microsoft! The Phoenix Force chose Wolverine… Continue Reading


292: Starring Lockjaw

 In this Lightning Round episode, we answer such questions as:- who should be the new lead character in Marvel Two-In-One? – who would win in a fight between Quasar and The Thing (with a heavy flashlight)? – which Justice… Continue Reading


269: We Can Always Talk About DB Cooper

 Well Disney dropped a BOMBSHELL the other day, announcing their upcoming plans for all of their properties for the next bazillion years at their investors conference! We of course are focusing on the MARVEL next phase announcements! SO MANY!!!… Continue Reading


264: A Boid to Kill For

SUPER-PETS ASSEMBLE! This one’s all about the animal sidekicks in our lives… except not ours, fictional characters’! Which super-pets are our favourites? What comic characters need their own animal companions, and who would they be? And what happens if superhero… Continue Reading


249: Worf Tonight, The Hawkeye App, Mom Jeans and Other News

 Let’s be honest. It’s been a weird few months. We’re all feeling it. Us too at the podcast. It’s been so strange that for the past few months we’ve barely touched on one of the cornerstones of the podcast….… Continue Reading