465: You Name Another Thing That’s Green and Orange, and Then You Can Stop Shaking Your Head

 This week, to coincide with the release of Captain America: Brave New World, we’re covering Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, partners in… well, not crime, but mostly the opposite? Captain America and The Falcon, partners since the ’60s. How… Continue Reading


456 – A Yuletide Special

As the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, it’s time once again for Bry, Merk, and Kyle to celebrate the season, and to get a little silly about comic books and the holidays. This year, it’s a Lightning… Continue Reading


423: When in Doubt, Blame Dennis!

 Indie comic creator interview!! Writer Dennis Robinson joins us and discusses his latest chapter of LYCAN:SOLOMON’S ODYSSEY! A gripping tale of the origin of the werewolf! We discuss his Kickstarter for chapter 3 that’s up now, why he decided… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


Newsflash: January 23, 2023

The newsboys are back for another ZERO ISSUES NEWSFLASH! It’s the beginning of the end of the beginning of the Venomverse, but the Denim Gwenomverse will surely endure. ComiXology suffers another brutal blow by their owners at Amazon. Crystal Dynamics’… Continue Reading


354: Keepin’ it Skreal

We got invited to D23! For real! We definitely didn’t get scammed by a fake email and then drive all the way to Hollywood, only to wind up locked outside of the Disney compound! And we’re definitely not sneaking into… Continue Reading


352: Can Someone Get this Weird Sticky Kid out of our House?

Holy hell, we have an episode to record! Time to pull out whatever miscellaneous crap we can find! For you, the listener, whom we’re, like, in love with and going to marry, apparently. Direct Download: MP3


349: Toothgnasher and Other Goat

 How about those goats, huh? You’ve seen Thor Love and Thunder right? Well hopefully you have because we’re tearing it apart this week on the podcast! Thou hast been forewarned! And we’re also talking X-Men. Specifically, what’s going to… Continue Reading


348: Don’t Quote Me on this Podcast that’s Recorded and Released Online

 The Zero Issues July Vacation Classic Spectacular comes to a close! As the boys try to remember how they got to the blue side of the Moon, enjoy what may be the most classic “classic” of all: We’re baaaaaaack!… Continue Reading