262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading


251: 3 Scary Stories

 Hell-o, my little ghoulies and gobloids! It is I, the Crypt Haver, ready to deliver you another tale of… oh, what? It’s a Lightning Round episode? They don’t really talk about scary stuff at all, except for one of… Continue Reading


244: Superman, Your Kid’s a Nerd!

 It’s that time of year again! No not to get your fishin’ license and go looking for Aquaman! It’s Father’s Day this weekend! So we look at superhero dads who you may not have known had gone out &… Continue Reading


236: Wonder Man is Your Responsibility

 This week, we figure out who is the first among first among equals, with a very scientific, Tony Robbins-endorsed, leader-off! Cyclops, Nightwing, Captain America, Storm, Superman, Mister Fantastic, Black Panther: which one would you follow into battle? The answer… Continue Reading


235: 3 Rosenbaums and a Snyder Cut

 Well Easter just went by so it’s time for the boys to take a look at comic characters that come back from the dead….. so basically everyone. But they do explore the hilarity of a few like Jean Grey… Continue Reading


225: As Long as Jon Cryer gets Punched in the Face

Let’s ARROWVERSE the %^$# out of this! Crisis! The end of Arrow (Bry is ecstatic!). A spoiler filled exploration of the CW trainwreck that we kinda like…. kinda….. plus so much more! The Marvel Hulu debacle! Obi Wan does Weekend… Continue Reading


222: Hindsight and 2020

 And just like that, 2019 is over, and 2020 is upon us! Last year, we made a whooooole bunch of predictions for how 2019 was going to go, and now it’s time to crack open that audio time capsule… Continue Reading


218: Death by a Thousand Snyder Cuts

 Release the Snyder Cut! I guess! There’s somehow still talk of this thing (possibly more talk, even), so this week, we’re coming up with our own Snyder Cuts. How do you fix a movie like Justice League, anyway? And… Continue Reading


216: Hawkman’s Pal Doug

Y’know those pals who are, like… un-super pals? This week we’re talking about the friends, the sidekicks, the hangers-on of the superhero stars! Whether they’re teen sidekicks for the kids to relate to, or middle-aged schlubs for the writer of… Continue Reading


210: Flowers for Dick

 Ruination! This week, we set out to ruin some of our favourite characters. Kinda like all those times that we’ve tried to fix characters that haven’t gotten their fair shake, but the opposite. Moon Knight, Thor, and Nightwing are… Continue Reading