470: That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles

 Here comes Daredevil! Again! He’s being born! Again! This week, we’re talking about the first four episodes of the new really-really-in-the-MCU-this-time Daredevil show. What we liked, what we really didn’t like, and why every part of a story matters… Continue Reading


464: We Should All Stop Dating Quicksilver

In honour of Valentine’s Day, as well as cynicism, we’re discussing each others’ picks for WORST COMIC BOOK COUPLES! Some couples just don’t work, even beyond the usual ups and downs of decades-long continuity. Maybe you root for them, but… Continue Reading


397: Abe Sapien is The Dean

 From the passing of the mantle of The Flash to Batman’s many, many, many teen sidekicks, legacy characters have been a part of super hero comics for almost as long as there has been super hero comics. With that… Continue Reading


Newsflash: May 29, 2023

A “shocking development” in The Amazing Spider-Man leaked weeks ahead of its release, leading to a public confirmation and what appear to be extremely mixed feelings about the whole thing! Can you believe Gwen Stacy is back, she was just… Continue Reading


378: Wolverine is a Rich Little Fancy Gentleman

This week we’ve gone team-up crazy! Time for a free-wheeling discussion about the glorious tradition of Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, The Brave and the Bold, and all the wacky combos of the biggest, the weirdest, and the downright obscure! What… Continue Reading


366: The Meaning of Christmas is Organs

Shocking news, everyone: it’s DECEMBER! But at least we’ve got some holiday specials to enjoy – starting with the Guardians of the Galaxy one that came out recently! Let’s watch that and talk about it, huh? But that may not… Continue Reading


358: Oops All Knuckles

 Happy 30th Anniversary, Capwolf! It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years already. To celebrate, we take this opportunity to talk all about those times when super heroes also become monsters. Frankencastle! Vampire Batman! We also make some of… Continue Reading


333: Kraven’s Cool Garfield Vest

It’s time to get silly! About being serious. This week, we take your non-nonsense, grim and dark, serious characters and turn them into something light-hearted, fun and zany! And then… we do the opposite!? Richie Rich gets spooky, kooky, and… Continue Reading


331: Low-Cal Batzone Zone

Coming to a theatre near you: crappy tie-in products! This week, we go over some of the best, worst, and most notorious tie-in junk that gets attached to comics and movies: from Baskin Robbins’ Hydra Force Sundae, to Watchmen condoms,… Continue Reading


307: Wayne Knight’s Driving the Van

 Once again, we are settling age old comic book debates this week. Is The Punisher a villain? What’s better, Kirby’s Marvel work or his DC work? Has Shazam always just been a Superman ripoff? Those questions and exactly three… Continue Reading