267: Butterscotch Wolverine

Kramabadoom!!! This week’s a Lightning Round episode, and you know what that means: serious discussion about what kind of Green Goblin knockoff we’d like to be, what DC comic is best suited to feature Gamera, and wondering aloud if anyone actually enjoys knowing everything there is to know about Star Wars. All that and the debut of Canada’s yum-diddly-scrumpious super hero!


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266: Ted’s Not Here, Man

This week is aaaaall about the year 2000! It was twenty years ago, and… look, I’m gonna level with you. I edited this episode two weeks ago. I can’t remember what we talked about, really. I know that we do three quizzes! I made notes, but I lost ’em. I dunno, man. Listen and find out? Let’s find out together, how ’bout.

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265: Ionic Centipede

Another week, another fun podcast! This week the boys are talking about offshoot characters. Characters like Thunderstrike, Great Grandma Thunderstrike, Strange Visitor, Superboy X (or whatever it was), Slingers, Young Avengers and so many more. We even make up our own ones…. which leads to the uncomfortable title of the episode…. Wonder Man, we’re sorry. All that and a read this now! Maestro! And a quiz! And learn about Kyle’s offshoot character!

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264: A Boid to Kill For

SUPER-PETS ASSEMBLE! This one’s all about the animal sidekicks in our lives… except not ours, fictional characters’! Which super-pets are our favourites? What comic characters need their own animal companions, and who would they be? And what happens if superhero pets trade humans?

BUT ALSO! Oscar Issac is Moon Knight!? A new Ghost Rider! Chris Claremont writes! The Last Ronin sells! And in response to a Kurt Busiek tweet, let’s pitch some X-Men duo books!

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263: Shirtless Nick Nolte as Namor

This week the boys talk about projects mired in development hell. Films. Comics. Our lives in 2020. We talk about projects that made it out of a long battle to finally see the light, ones still fighting to be made and projects that came up, fell into a bog and will be found 1000 years from now perfectly preserved. That and we celebrate Kyle’s birthday by putting in comic book set ups and seeing how he does. Enter…. the Lees Paradox. All that and a ton of news….. and shirtless Nick Nolte as Namor…… you can hear his voice can’t you, Clarice. The garbled screeching of the Noltes……Join us won’t you?

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262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo!

This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero team…there’s a precedent!

But first, we cover the return of Jared Leto’s Joker, Spider-Man 3 rumours, and more in the News, and we try to debate who’s better, Dracula or Dracula, in the Warmup!


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261: Casper Died Naked

It’s the spooky season, and that means ghost, ghosts, ghosts!! But even ghosts have to follow the rules, so together we sort through all of the ghastly guidelines the ghosts of comics must follow! Can ghosts change clothes, or are they trapped in the outfits they died in? How do you explain the ghosts of characters who were retconned to have never died? How vengeful must you be to haunt the land of the living? All that, and we decide… whoooOOOooo is the greatest ghost of all? (And enjoy listening as that debate devolves into madness!)

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260: A Lenny Kravitz Situation

It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin Fang Foom! Each of the boys does their pitch of a Foom story to be told to take the Foom where the Foom has never gone before! All that AND we talk the ridiculousness of Superhero costumes. Who puts their initial on their chest AND their belt buckle? And is EVERYTHING unstable molecules? Plus a bevy of news from a Boys spinoff, Supergirl wrapping up, Hawkman casting in the Black Adam movie that no one knew was coming out or not, some Watchmen anger, and Bry intruduces ‘Drake-Watch’. Are you gonna go our way?

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259: I’m a Big First Moira Fan

Let’s smash some super heroes into sitcom archetypes! Doctor Doom as Victor (Beeektor), Reed’s wacky cousin from Latveria, Marvel Knight Court, Beast and Wonder Man as two swingin’ single dudes in da big city, and many, many more.

Also: news! Hot news. More Snyder, Nick Fury TV stuff, and a Warmup where Kyle just talks about a completely different podcast!

(Sorry, we never do an X-Men/Community mashup. We’ve probably already done that, knowing Kyle and Bry. But sheeeesh, Jim Rash in a hoverchair.)


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258: Hawkman Hits a Window

We pit the JSA against each other in a series of “Survivor” style scenarios! Green Lantern! The Flash! Atom! Hawkman! Sandman! The Spectre! Wonder Woman! Hourman! Black Canary! Dr. Fate! Which old-time superhero would survive being stranded in the woods? Working retail at Christmas? A galaxy-wide bar crawl with Hal Jordan? Social media? A Zack Snyder movie!? And more!!

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