431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


415: Crom Laughs At Your TARDIS!

2023 is almost over! And while many of us may feel it was a pretty crummy year, a lot of good stuff happened too! And as is our usual custom, we’re gonna talk all about ’em! Bad Space! Conan! My… Continue Reading


412: When You Have Optic Blasts, Every Problem is a Nail

Oh no, I missed mean ol’ Professor Xavier’s class last week, and now we’re all stuck in detention! And he’s forcing the whole class to judge his original five students against each other by some very scientific criteria: Powers! Fighting… Continue Reading


404: Introducing LeatherPhoebe

I dunno if it’s just us or the entire movie-watching public, but is there a case of the blahs going around? Martin Scorsese says comic-book movies are Ruining Cinema — and what if he’s right? Join us for a thoughtful… Continue Reading


397: Abe Sapien is The Dean

 From the passing of the mantle of The Flash to Batman’s many, many, many teen sidekicks, legacy characters have been a part of super hero comics for almost as long as there has been super hero comics. With that… Continue Reading


395: How Titans Stopped Worrying and Embraced the “Dick”

Pass the fancy wireless remote, tune in to the tube, get out the TV Guide and let me know if we need to set the VCR —- it’s time to talk about comic-based TV shows! Particularly the current state of… Continue Reading


388: Spider-Man’s Greatest Enemy: Reptile!

 Spider(-Man), he is our hero! This week, we take a break from doing deep dives, taxing our brains thinking about new and unique things to do on the podcast, and just do what makes us happy: talkin’ ’bout Spider-Man.… Continue Reading


386: Taserface II – Requiem

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is upon us, all 600 distinct versions of it, and we were lucky enough to see version #539! And maybe we were some of the lucky few, because nobody else seems to be talking… Continue Reading