274: Several Issues Graphic Novel Podcast

Y’know, we as a podcast may have fallen victim to the super hero industrial complex. We used to talk about comics! This week we take a break from what’s going on in super hero books and TV shows and movies,… Continue Reading


273: Kraven the Deli Owner

 QUITTERS!! The lot of ’em!!! That’s what superheroes are! And that’s what we’re talking about this week. Can you think of a hero that hasn’t, even for just a short bit, called it quits? It’s a small list. From… Continue Reading


249: Worf Tonight, The Hawkeye App, Mom Jeans and Other News

 Let’s be honest. It’s been a weird few months. We’re all feeling it. Us too at the podcast. It’s been so strange that for the past few months we’ve barely touched on one of the cornerstones of the podcast….… Continue Reading


226: I Shall Become a Circus

Cue up Entrance of the Gladiators, because we’re off to the circus this week! Th…that’s what the circus song is called. Kind of a badass name for what is essentially Boy, Clowns are Goofy: The Song. Anyway, yeah, circus! From… Continue Reading


196: Dial B for Blister

Canada Day approaches! And to celebrate we’re talking all about superheroes who exhibit the most important Canadian quality: a thin veneer of politeness! (And even that’s asking a lot of these guys, yeesh.) What characters and creators are sorry? And… Continue Reading


Episode 39: Daredevil – The Horniest Man in New York

Hey, you guys like Daredevil? We sure do! We like gritty Daredevil, we like swashbuckling Daredevil, we like Affleck Daredevil, even… We like ’em all! Except Shadowland, Shadowland was dumb. Let’s chat about this fella! Oh, and hey! Zero Issues… Continue Reading


Episode 12: Street Level – Does The Kingpin have Diabetes?

We’re taking it back to the streets this week, and that means Daredevil, Moon Knight, and other characters that are vaguely reminiscent of Batman! Plus, a heartfelt plea to DC Comics to stop being bad. Direct Download: MP3 Heroes for… Continue Reading