425: Could You Turn Human Bones into Glue?

We’ve got a real Beast Wars situation on our hands! Okay, so maybe not a *real* Beast Wars situation, what with the no Transformers to speak of, but more of a lower case beast wars situation. These beasts, they be… Continue Reading


419: He’s Darlene

Aqua, man! I mean Aquaman. I mean, y’know, Aquaman! My man! This week, we’re offering you four fishtastic Aquaman segments. First, we review Aquman: The Lost Kingdom, which is certainly a movie! Some of us even liked it! Kinda! Then,… Continue Reading


417: Dragula Continues… The Marvel Echo Review

 A new Marvel Series is out! ECHO! Echo… echo…. echo…. ok. We’re going to use that joke a few times. Get comfortable as we discuss this new Marvel Disney+ series. Was it good? Was it bad? What worked? What… Continue Reading


Newsflash for January 15, 2024

 Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’s series Criminal has been given a series order over on Prime, which means that hey, comic book creators are going to be making some money for once! If only there were some sort of… Continue Reading


414: Wax for Cap’s Shield

 It’s HOLIDAY time, folks! So we have a special Christmas episode on Zero Issues… where Kyle & Merk send Bry on a mission with an impossible gift list…. and then they talk about comic characters. Because THAT’S what the… Continue Reading


411: A Werewolf Having a Panic Attack

 It’s CELERY SLAM 3!!! The super popular and not at all made up by us annual event between Halloween & Christmas when characters associated with each of those holidays go head to head in a battle of … celery…… Continue Reading


409: You Can’t Get Real Cocaine in Thunder Bay: The Secret Origin of Sneezy Leezy

 It’s Kyle’s birthday so Bry & Merk decide to FINALLY reveal his secret origin! Hear about Baby Beard Kyle! Ol’ hickory eyes Lees they called him. Hear about his crime fighting career as Sneeze Lees and his sidekick Tooters.… Continue Reading


405: Ignore Rick Jones Until He Leaves of His Own Accord

 Batman was right that one time, the Justice League can shove it! This week, we’re talking about characters who leave super hero teams: why do they do it, how long do they stay gone, and are they right to… Continue Reading


Newsflash: Oct 2, 2023

 Oct 2, 2023 newsflash time! It’s the writer’s strike! It’s AI comics! It’s Wall-E or is it Dall-E or is it Dali? We dunno. We talk content creators and Dan Didio’s interesting rant on corporations and the hullabaloo! Jack… Continue Reading