367: A Quarter Fraggle Dinner

As the daylight hours become shorter and scarcer, we thought we would take some time this week to escape to our very exclusive chalet, and talk to you about books that have kept us warm this past year, which might be perfect for the comic book reader in your life. Come fix yourself your nog of choice, listen in on our relaxing chat, grab a slice of Fraggle, and enjoy.

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366: The Meaning of Christmas is Organs

Shocking news, everyone: it’s DECEMBER! But at least we’ve got some holiday specials to enjoy – starting with the Guardians of the Galaxy one that came out recently! Let’s watch that and talk about it, huh?

But that may not be enough holiday spirit for us, so let’s also pitch some special presentations of our own! Imagine, if you will: Nathan Fillion finally joins the MCU in an ULTRA cheery story straight out of the 1991 Marvel Holiday Special! Werewolf By Night and Man-Thing fend off burglars in a monster-ized “Home Alone” style adventure! A holiday card from The Thing kicks off a bizarre claymation-animated odyssey straight outta Marvel Two-In-One! Miserly Bruce Wayne is plagued by ghost Robins in a Wayne Manor Christmas Carol! Are you ready for… the Twelve Nights of What If…? And there are plenty more under the podcast tree!

The Meaning of Christmas is Organs

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365: Waka Waka Wakanda

Wakanda Forever ….. or for a little while at least on this podcast as we delve into our reactions to the newest Marvel Black Panther flick! Spoiler alertage! But we begin with a Merk Quiz about quotes from bad comic book movies…..can you beat Bry & Kyle’s scores?!?! Plus news about Steve Ditko’s private comic collection coming up for auction, a new DC Ukranian superhero and we talk about James Gunn …. and all the stuff he says…. and does…..
Join us, won’t you?

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364: A Baba Yaga X-Mas OR I’m a Goopy Boy called The Skinless Man OR Take ’em Home to the Chicken Shack

It’s that time of year once again! The Celery Day Stalkslam is upon us! Four comic book characters representing Christmas, four representing Halloween, battle to determine which is the best holiday of all time…I guess? Is that what this is about? We’ve admittedly lost track. Anyway, violence!

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363: Our Podcast With Adrian

This week on an extra-sophisticated Zero Issues! Adrian Lysenko joins us to discuss his new graphic novel “Five Stalks of Grain”! The book follows an orphaned sister and brother as they depart on a perilous odyssey during the Holodomor terror-famine in 1930s Ukraine. We chat about the real history and personal family connections that inspired the story, how the art of Ivanka Theodosia Galadza portrays their horrific journey in a unique and compelling way, and how the project evolved from idea to published work over the years. Plus! Since Adrian knows his historical fiction, we also chat about the genre as a whole! From how it’s defined, to our personal favourites, and the sheer variety of genres and styles that capture a feeling of the past.

But first, some truly sad news in recent weeks: artists Kevin O’Neill and Carlos Pacheco, and beloved Batman voice actor Kevin Conroy have sadly passed on. In response we take a few moments to reflect on their incredible work and their legacies.

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362: Cyclops in Blues Traveler

Oh boy! Lots going on this week! Here’s the briefo rundowno!
For a warm up we’re invested in bringing you the very vest… er …. best… or worst, rather, in comic costume redesigns. From Nova to Miles Morales, to the Thing, and Gambit. And Cyclops with a harmonica vest? Oh…. we go a little vest heavy. You’ve been warned.
For the main topic we each to a pitch: If Marvel were to restart today, what 5 titles would you begin with and what creative team?
We nerd out a little.
And of course the news! Between James Gunn becoming the DC Monitor, hints of Spielberg talking about a comic movie, Sandman, Agatha casting and a Wonder Man series AND casting and…. oh god…. even more.
It would be a traVESTy if you missed this.
I’m sorry.
I’ll stop.

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361 – A Sh–ty, Wet Crow

Happy Spawniversary, everyone! This week, we’re hopping in a figurative time machine to literally watch 1997’s Spawn. Is it a good movie? Is it at least a good movie for 1997? Is it at least very, very wet, except for the parts in hell, which are very, very…1997 CGI..? Yes.

But first we’ve got Wesley Snipes AND Rob Liefeld AND Spawn news (and this news isn’t actually from 1997, which is odd), and Merk treats us to a round of CharacterSmash!

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360: Clamatoween – Taste of Clam, Form of Tomato

Halloween is upon us! To celebrate the spookiest day of, let’s face it, a pretty spooky year, Kyle challenges Merk & Bry to a haunted journey to get more Clamato for their Bloody Marys in a Halloween spectacular CHOOSES THE DOOZES Giant Size Classic! Strange things are afoot on the way to the Circle K! Will a graveyard shortcut bring them to their goal, or will they run afoul of Jack Kirby’s Clamato Gang… or Count Duckula… or the Frankenwolfmanstein… or maybe a portal to Vampire World!? This twisted web has many spooky —- and frankly, inappropriate —- threads, dear listener!

But the scares don’t even start there! Thunderbolt Ross lives once more through the performance of ol’ Indy Solo himself, Harrison Ford! Recounting the latest Terror in the Bay horror festival! We have a nice li’l chat about a Halloween-themed DC horror anthology, Terrors Through Time! Archie gets Mad – Mad Max, that is, in Archie vs. the World! And hey sure, let’s talk a bit about Black Adam’s reception while we’re at it!

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359: Ted Talk

Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Say it THREE times into a mirror…. and you’ll be asked to leave that public washroom. Trust us.

With Werewolf by Night appearing on Disney+ comes the MONSTERS!! And with the monsters….TED!! aka Man-Thing! In the warm up we discuss Werewolf by Night (spoilers, yo) and all the scary coolness it has to offer, including someone’s favourite…. MAN-THING!  THEN….. for our main topic…. MAN-THING! We take a listen to Power Records’ 1974 release of The Man-Thing:Night of the Laughing Dead….. and get ready for a ride. This one is DARK. Far darker than you’d expect (warning-there is depiction & talk of suicide). Clowns. Carnivals. Hippie kids. Seedy motels. And of course MAN-THING. There. We’ve said Man-Thing 8 times in the blurb. Well…. nine Man-Things now. Doh! TEN!!! Ok. Just click ‘n listen why dontcha!?!?

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358: Oops All Knuckles

Happy 30th Anniversary, Capwolf! It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years already. To celebrate, we take this opportunity to talk all about those times when super heroes also become monsters. Frankencastle! Vampire Batman! We also make some of our own up, because, darn it, we’re fun, and we’re worth it!

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