287: Jim Cummings

 Chocolate and peanut butter, cats and dogs living together, monkeys fighting lizards, that’s what this episode’s all about! We’re taking things that should not be together, and smashing them against each other like so many…smashy…thingies… Moon Knight and The… Continue Reading


286: Stardust and the Burger King Kids Club

JOIN US! For another action-packed dramatic reading from the Tome of Fletcher Hanks! In another inexplicable STARDUST adventure, our daring hero tackles the sinister FIFTH COLUMN, using his secret weapon: CHILD ENDANGERMENT! Magnets are installed! Winged bombs fly! Unsettling costumes… Continue Reading


285: I Want My Corpse Back!

It’s resurrection time!! This week we talk about the age ol’ comic traditions of coming back from the dead! Sometimes done well, and sometimes…..not. And sometimes it’s Aunt May. Plus a load of news from Predator cancellations, to the Marvel/Random… Continue Reading


284: What If Wolverine Was a Toronto Raccoon?

After the marathon Snyder Cut episode of last week, how about something shorter, lighter & more fast paced? And raccoons. We got ya covered. This week the boys are all over the map exploring what else? Comics! And Worf. The… Continue Reading


283: Do You Know What Happens to Darkseid When he’s Hit By Lightning?

Since the beginning, the superhero works of Zack Snyder have loomed large over this podcast. The source of debates, disagreements, and endless jokes. But now, our greatest challenge yet has arrived, and the team is united as they… watch Zack… Continue Reading


281: Dwayne’s Shane Lane Wayne

 OH IT’S WANDAVISIONARY TIME!!! The series is OVER and we wrap it up like a magical pagan christmas present for you, going over the final episodes, dissecting and exploring what it all means. The possibilities, the references, the fan… Continue Reading


278: Breakups & Hookups!

In honour of Valentine’s Day… uh, several days ago… let’s get unromantic, and then romantic again! We take some iconic comic-book power couples, split ‘em up, and make them find all-new loves! You won’t believe who they rebound with! Until… Continue Reading