465: You Name Another Thing That’s Green and Orange, and Then You Can Stop Shaking Your Head

 This week, to coincide with the release of Captain America: Brave New World, we’re covering Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, partners in… well, not crime, but mostly the opposite? Captain America and The Falcon, partners since the ’60s. How… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 2 (2023): A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES time as the boys take some time off to find themselves and reconnect to nature. This week….. the FOOMER!! It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin… Continue Reading


393: ROMish the Non-Electric Space Knight

 TRAVEL THROUGH TIME WITH THE ZERO ISSUES BOYS! Or at least about 44 mins of it, as we discuss time travel in comics!! Join us as we discuss time travel storylines and pitch a few of our own! Specifically… Continue Reading


308: Magneto of Green Gables

 It’s a big election week this week in ol’ Canada, so the boys have decided to talk politics! No! Come back! It’s us! We’re ridiculous about it and it all involves comic books! How would Batman vote? What comic… Continue Reading


301: Nicolas Cage Tai Chi

 We’re all extremely ill with Olympics fever this week, and the only cure for Olympic fever? Our own Olympics, with Jughead, and Bumblebee, and Randy Quaid! Listen in as we argue over which of our clearly-not-thought-through champions deserves the… Continue Reading


297: Lokio Drift

 It’s MCU takeover time! This week the boys discuss both Loki AND Modok in the main topic. Spoilers abound! And for the warm up they talk the newest Shang-Chi trailer and unpack EVERYTHING stuffed into that little gem! All… Continue Reading


271: Remy LeBeau’s Homemade Spicy Gumbo (and other cards against human decency)

2020 is over, bay-bee! And to close out a gross year, let’s play a gross game: comic cards against humanity! And fair warning, this gets VERY raunchy very quickly. Not safe for work, or the kids, or anyone with their… Continue Reading


262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading


260: A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin Fang Foom! Each of the boys does their pitch of a Foom story to be told to take the Foom where the Foom… Continue Reading


225: As Long as Jon Cryer gets Punched in the Face

Let’s ARROWVERSE the %^$# out of this! Crisis! The end of Arrow (Bry is ecstatic!). A spoiler filled exploration of the CW trainwreck that we kinda like…. kinda….. plus so much more! The Marvel Hulu debacle! Obi Wan does Weekend… Continue Reading