Here comes Daredevil! Again! He’s being born! Again! This week, we’re talking about the first four episodes of the new really-really-in-the-MCU-this-time Daredevil show. What we liked, what we really didn’t like, and why every part of a story matters… Continue Reading


431: The Hulk is Full of Tinier Men

Hey, let’s put all that structure aside for an episode, and just relax by the fire and have a friendly chat about comics. Doesn’t that sound nice? We discuss comic runs that just didn’t do right by their character or… Continue Reading


310: The Goal was Always to Eat the Sandwich

 Hey, kids! You like them Squid Games, right? Battle Royale-type stuff? Well then, have we got an episode for you. Watch as our contestants battle over half a sandwich, karaoke, explaining the plot of Tenet, and more! Plus, we’ve… Continue Reading


287: Jim Cummings

 Chocolate and peanut butter, cats and dogs living together, monkeys fighting lizards, that’s what this episode’s all about! We’re taking things that should not be together, and smashing them against each other like so many…smashy…thingies… Moon Knight and The… Continue Reading


273: Kraven the Deli Owner

 QUITTERS!! The lot of ’em!!! That’s what superheroes are! And that’s what we’re talking about this week. Can you think of a hero that hasn’t, even for just a short bit, called it quits? It’s a small list. From… Continue Reading


271: Remy LeBeau’s Homemade Spicy Gumbo (and other cards against human decency)

2020 is over, bay-bee! And to close out a gross year, let’s play a gross game: comic cards against humanity! And fair warning, this gets VERY raunchy very quickly. Not safe for work, or the kids, or anyone with their… Continue Reading


262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading