460: A Couple of Bucks Short

 Do you have a mentor? Someone who helped guide you through the weirdness of life? Helped you with picking your first cape to go on patrol in? Or how to take down a sleezeball mugging an old lady at… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 2 (2023): A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES time as the boys take some time off to find themselves and reconnect to nature. This week….. the FOOMER!! It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin… Continue Reading


344: He’s Got a Tubular Spatial, Baby!

 It’s LIGHTNING ROUND TIME! Krackakoom? A bevy of short topics this week such as the recent Marvel Banner of War Hulk/Thor battle (in which we discuss what Celestial bits are floating in space), Kyle runs a game of SUPERFIGHT… Continue Reading


312: Morbius, Morbius, Morbius, and Kevin Bacon

The Spooky Month continues, and this week it’s our spookiest trick yet – fixing a character! Namely, good ol’ living vampire Michael “Morbius” Morbius! Now Morbius is a perfectly fine science vampire, but for some reason we just can’t sink… Continue Reading


301: Nicolas Cage Tai Chi

 We’re all extremely ill with Olympics fever this week, and the only cure for Olympic fever? Our own Olympics, with Jughead, and Bumblebee, and Randy Quaid! Listen in as we argue over which of our clearly-not-thought-through champions deserves the… Continue Reading


264: A Boid to Kill For

SUPER-PETS ASSEMBLE! This one’s all about the animal sidekicks in our lives… except not ours, fictional characters’! Which super-pets are our favourites? What comic characters need their own animal companions, and who would they be? And what happens if superhero… Continue Reading


262: Draclactus OR GaDractus OR Galacula

 Boo! Boooooooooo! Boooooo! This week, we’re talking about monsters, and how they seem to end up in mainstream superhero books pretty dang often. Werewolf By Night, Cap Wolf, that time The Living Mummy was part of a super hero… Continue Reading


260: A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin Fang Foom! Each of the boys does their pitch of a Foom story to be told to take the Foom where the Foom… Continue Reading