Nearly 400 episodes in, we need a little break! So, this week and next, we’ll be re-uploading some of our classic episodes. This week it’s episode 63: A-List Losers! Here’s the original writeup:
These super heroes get no respect, I tell ya! No respect!
We are talking about characters who, while they’re certainly great, just can’t seem to get a break, either from the diehard fans or from the public at large. Aquaman, Dazzler, Hank Pym, and Cyclops, with all of his terrible, terrible costumes.
Plus: news, a where-would-you-live warmup, and Metamorpho joins the League of Baldos!
395: How Titans Stopped Worrying and Embraced the "Dick"
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Pass the fancy wireless remote, tune in to the tube, get out the TV Guide and let me know if we need to set the VCR —- it’s time to talk about comic-based TV shows! Particularly the current state of the comic-show landscape, as the explosion of TV series in the past 10 years have or will soon be ending. What’s next for the world of small-screen (but actually pretty-damn-big-screen) comic adaptations? Perhaps less will be more, with fewer but overall better shows? Should superheroes keep in their feature-film lane and let the indie comics spread their tales across more episodes? Is anyone still watching the ever-expanding Walking Dead TV-verse, and did they ever get to the fireworks factory? Is the so-called “golden age of television” ending, or just evolving? So many questions! So let’s talk all about ’em!
We’ve waited long enough! The time is now to talk about The Flash, because everyone who’s going to have seen it has seen it. And look, I know that us saying that, and also calling this episode “Trashpoint,” makes it sound like we hated it. But you don’t know that! You have to listen to the episode to find that out! That’s how podcasts work!
Also, Kyle brings back Hulk Out or Fake Out for the Warmup, because some of the ways they came up with to turn David Banner into the Hulk on that show were just so very dumb.
Or at least about 44 mins of it, as we discuss time travel in comics!!
Join us as we discuss time travel storylines and pitch a few of our own! Specifically we discuss comic stories of either characters that don’t time travel or time periods they usually don’t visit. Or horrible time travel stories where everyone dies. All the time. It’s a fun game!
Hear about Bruce Wayne: Roller Disco Champion. Or 4 Turtles, 4 Chan: Why Donatello is the Most Sexist of all the Turtles. Or ROMish the Non Electric Space Knight!
But we begin with a fun time travel themed game of Character Storm! Beware Thyme Time!
Seriously. Beware.
But do join us.
Because it’s time…. for our podcast!
This week we celebrate the life, career, and amazing legacy John Romita, Sr! From his youth growing up during the golden-age comics boom, to becoming perhaps one of the first fans-turned-pros as he cut his teeth as a comic-book artist during the tumultuous ‘50s at the pre-Marvel Timely and Atlas, before hopping to DC as a top-tier romance-comic penciller, into the silver age at Marvel where he contributed to early Avengers and Daredevil, before he was hand-picked by Stan Lee to take over The Amazing Spider-Man — where he redefined one of the most iconic characters of all time and set the artistic and design standard that changed and evolved Spidey, Marvel, and comics as a whole forever. Thanks for everything, “Jazzy” John!
‘Verse Mania is upon us once more! We’ve finally all seen “Across the Spider-Verse” and have a theoretically endless number of things to say about it! From the stunning animation, art and sound design, vocal performances, endless deep-cut references, and as much else as we can fit into a warm-up segment! And we may tangent into cinema-enhancing power outages and childhood exposure to “Videodrome”, this is who we are. But once we’re done with the Spiders’ ‘Verse, it’s time to shake up The Canon elsewhere as we pitch our own ideas for crossovers where multiple variations of beloved characters collide! How many Jugheads can we cram into a Jug-Verse? A multiverse of Bishops set sail on the bemulletted Bish-Ship! Wolverine’s Hot Claws™ tear open a hole in the Bub-Verse releasing endless Wolvereeners, bub! They’ve got so many kinds of claws it’ll blow your mind. And there’s a universe where we hate on the 2013 movie “The Congress” for a couple minutes, why not. All this and much more! So many pitches it’s like its own Pitch-Verse, honestly.
Which Ninja Turtle smells the worst? How many birds has Wonder Woman killed with her invisible jet? Does Beast Boy need to know what a cow looks like in order to turn into a cow? What If the A-Team were still in Marvel Comics? These and so many other dumb, dumb questions are answered this week in what may be our stupidest Lightning Round ever!
389: Bananas In. Bananas Out. That's What Banana Eating is All About!
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Acting!!! Thespians!!! Performers!! Pantomimers….. ok maybe not that one.
We’re talking about Comic Book Actors this week. Specifically actors/actresses who have done MULTIPLE comic book roles. Who’s done most? Who’s done the best? Who’s done the worst?
We probably have a few on this list you never realized did THAT many comic book roles!
And this week… i know this will come as a surprise…. we’re a little silly. A little goofy. So join us for this ridiculous ride and learn how we get to such sayings as ‘Strong Tucci Soup’, or the titular ‘Bananas in. Bananas out. That’s what banana eatin’ is all about’. And join us for the ridiculous warm up of ‘dumb ways to die’ for comic characters…. who knew Hawkman couldn’t survive getting sucked into a jet engine?
A “shocking development” in The Amazing Spider-Man leaked weeks ahead of its release, leading to a public confirmation and what appear to be extremely mixed feelings about the whole thing! Can you believe Gwen Stacy is back, she was just in Europe the whole time, and then she immediately dies again? What are the odds!?
A whole bunch of comic adaptations (and in less important news: everything else) have paused their productions as the WGA writer’s strike continues! And until a fair deal is struck, we’re gonna be missing out on Thunderbolts, Blade, Wonder Man, Ryan Reynolds’ ability to do improv, all of it!!
ROM RETURNS! In Omnibus form. Wait, no — in ROMNIBUS form! Marvel is dipping back into their beloved ‘80s licensed Hasbro comics, and even the Micronauts are getting in on this! They’re all back!! And they’re gonna crossover with ALF, probably! And Combo Man!
Grant Morrison also returns… except they didn’t go anywhere… to kick off “Partially Naked Came the Corpse”, an “exquisite corpse” style series where multiple creators add to the overall story. How this is gonna work, we can’t tell you. (But we assume there will be a corpse.)
Diamond Comic Distributors loses another publisher as Image signs on with Lunar! But no matter what happens, retailers will be frustrated, that’s a guarantee.
Spider(-Man), he is our hero! This week, we take a break from doing deep dives, taxing our brains thinking about new and unique things to do on the podcast, and just do what makes us happy: talkin’ ’bout Spider-Man. Who’s his best love interest? Who are his deadliest foes? Does he have way too many costumes, and should he be drawn like a brick poophouse?
All that, plus we for real talk about the version of Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 that everyone else saw in the theatres.