San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone, and in its wake: NEWS! Conan and his savage sword return to comics with a Cimmerian murderer’s row of talent well-geared to making comics about Conan! The relative absence of Hollywood at SDCC meant great things for actual comics creators and publishers, go figure! Hellboy is back — in Giant Robot form! Mere weeks after Ms. Marvel’s SHOCKING death, her PREDICTABLE resurrection has come to pass, except now she’s an Inhuman AND a Mutant and also is gonna be written by her MCU actor Iman Vellani! If you wanna see Superman fight Godzilla, “Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong” seems very likely to deliver on that promise, along with “roar” sound-effect birthday card technology! A sequel series to The Last Ronin is coming, which is really pushing the definition of the word “last”! A Nightwing & Titans crossover event is coming, and it’s called… [dun dun!] BEEEAST WOOORLD! And the sad state of collecting has landed at, ugh, “completely empty steelbook WandaVision case for $90”.
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