287: Jim Cummings

Chocolate and peanut butter, cats and dogs living together, monkeys fighting lizards, that’s what this episode’s all about! We’re taking things that should not be together, and smashing them against each other like so many…smashy…thingies…

Moon Knight and The Question come to kick ass and chew bubble gum, Samus Aran fights a xenomorph, and Kyle mistakenly believes that Jim Cummings did the voice of Beastly on Care Bears! He didn’t! What a dummo!

Brought to you by our wicked smaht sponsor: Rose N Crantz Coffee! (Use the promo code zeroissues to save 10%!)

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286: Stardust and the Burger King Kids Club

JOIN US! For another action-packed dramatic reading from the Tome of Fletcher Hanks! In another inexplicable STARDUST adventure, our daring hero tackles the sinister FIFTH COLUMN, using his secret weapon: CHILD ENDANGERMENT! Magnets are installed! Winged bombs fly! Unsettling costumes are worn! All this and more! So hop inside your Tubular Spatial and stand up for even-numbered columns everywhere! Brought to you by our keen sponsor: Rose N Crantz Coffee! (Use the promo code zeroissues to save 10%!)

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285: I Want My Corpse Back!

It’s resurrection time!! This week we talk about the age ol’ comic traditions of coming back from the dead! Sometimes done well, and sometimes…..not. And sometimes it’s Aunt May. Plus a load of news from Predator cancellations, to the Marvel/Random house deal, the Black Widow announcement (mark) ruffling feathers, Raphael Grampa making a butt load of moolah, DC movies getting axed and the Black Adam film being announced…. again… All that and Bry talks about the trials and tribulations of collecting. Join us as we resurrect this podcast each week!

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284: What If Wolverine Was a Toronto Raccoon?

After the marathon Snyder Cut episode of last week, how about something shorter, lighter & more fast paced? And raccoons. We got ya covered. This week the boys are all over the map exploring what else? Comics! And Worf. The Worf Effect to be more precise. The Worf Effect is when a big, bad character is used as a punching bag to make someone else seem bad ass. But then that big, bad character gets overused as a punching bag so…. they seem… well…. like Worf… with the flu. We touch on a ton of characters that get this-Doomsday, Superman, Juggernaut, Martian Manhunter, Silver Surfer, Galactus and of course, Wolverine. Then Bry tells a story of his encounter with Toronto Raccoons. It makes sense. All of this. It does. I swear. All this and Kyle has a ‘read this now’, weird star wars additions to Disney +, an Hourman movie and Ed Brubaker and his troubled relationship with the Winter Soldier. Plus, Andy Richter as the Beyonder! And find out who MURDER MAN is and WHO he MURDERED, MAN!!

Brought to you by Rose N Crantz Roasting Coffee!!

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283: Do You Know What Happens to Darkseid When he’s Hit By Lightning?

Since the beginning, the superhero works of Zack Snyder have loomed large over this podcast. The source of debates, disagreements, and endless jokes. But now, our greatest challenge yet has arrived, and the team is united as they… watch Zack Snyder’s Justice League and talk about it for a while, I dunno! But that’s not all: Jamie “The Roastmaster” Nichols joins to help, bringing the perspective of a movie fan who doesn’t know much about the original comics! But first: What is the Mystery of Meemaw? Can you pinpoint the exact place we stopped bothering to bleep out F-words? Can you guess which one of us was secretly Martian Manhunter the whole time? Find out as you reach around into this extra-long, extra-sweary episode brought to you by RNC Coffee (promo code: zeroissues) and The Goofy Movie on Disney Plus!

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282: The Eye Gouge Episode

This is it, the culmination of our March Madness and August Audness episodes. After crowning eight champions, it’s time for them to square off against each other to decide just who three grown men can argue is the toughest. Who will rise. who will fall, who will pick bits of Jimmy Olsen out of The Maestro’s teeth? Tune in to find out!

This episode brought to you by Rose N Crantz Roasting Co. Use the promo code zeroissues to save 10% off your first coffee order from these wonderful folks!


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281: Dwayne’s Shane Lane Wayne

OH IT’S WANDAVISIONARY TIME!!! The series is OVER and we wrap it up like a magical pagan christmas present for you, going over the final episodes, dissecting and exploring what it all means. The possibilities, the references, the fan expectations… and there were a LOT of those. That and we have a chunk of comicy news including Superman & Lois getting renewed before Merk even knew they were on, we talk about YET ANOTHER Marvel comic event, sweet Flash news, Dr Doom is marrying….somebody? And we talk a little Snyder stuff which quickly devolves somehow into the title of this episode. Jump aboard! This train belongs to Dwayne too! (Spoilers…. obviously)  Sponsored by Rose N Crantz Roasting Co !!! Be a caFIEND!!!


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280: I Collect Weird Children

Due to some technical difficulties, we’re bringing you back to April of 2020 for this week’s bonus-y style episode. Originally cut from episode 236, hear us discuss leaders in comic books! Who’s good, who’s bad, who’s the man now dog.


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279: Why Did This Gorilla Set Fire to the City?!?

It’s a Lightning Round episode, so you know what that means: nearly a dozen short and weird topics. We’ve got new segments like Crossfit This In and Deep Cuts, attempts at serious discussion, and a full list of the Seven Things Guaranteed to Sell a Comic!

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278: Breakups & Hookups!

In honour of Valentine’s Day… uh, several days ago… let’s get unromantic, and then romantic again! We take some iconic comic-book power couples, split ‘em up, and make them find all-new loves! You won’t believe who they rebound with! Until you listen to this episode! When… we tell you.

But that’s not all! We dig into some Actual Comic News, react to consequence culture hitting Hollywood, and dig into all the wild twists and turns on WandaVision!

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