398: Are We Gonna Be on STROMBO?

It’s time once again for the POWER! The power of Power Records, of course! They were comics that came with a record of a performance of the same comic, and they sure were something. This time we’re listening and riffing… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3 (2023): The Shredder’s a Real Blanche

What’s THIS? A surprise third Classic Zero Issues episode? Well, since a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episode has hit theatres, why not enjoy this 2020 episode celebrating the first-ever TMNT film?? Personally, we recommend it. Here’s the original write-up:… Continue Reading


397: Abe Sapien is The Dean

 From the passing of the mantle of The Flash to Batman’s many, many, many teen sidekicks, legacy characters have been a part of super hero comics for almost as long as there has been super hero comics. With that… Continue Reading


396: Get Me Out of Your Mouth. We’re Bros.

 It’s TURTLE TIME! With the new TMNT movie arriving, we’re doing a turtle episode! Kyle begins by interviewing esteemed Turtle scholar Esa Keltamaki about the TMNT comic series ‘The Last Ronin’-SPOILERS. Bry listened to part of it. Merk intentionally… Continue Reading


Newsflash: July 31, 2023

San Diego Comic-Con has come and gone, and in its wake: NEWS! Conan and his savage sword return to comics with a Cimmerian murderer’s row of talent well-geared to making comics about Conan! The relative absence of Hollywood at SDCC… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 2 (2023): A Lenny Kravitz Situation

 It’s CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES time as the boys take some time off to find themselves and reconnect to nature. This week….. the FOOMER!! It’s time to FOOM it up!! Yup! We’re talking about that ol’ space dragon monster, Fin… Continue Reading


395: How Titans Stopped Worrying and Embraced the “Dick”

Pass the fancy wireless remote, tune in to the tube, get out the TV Guide and let me know if we need to set the VCR —- it’s time to talk about comic-based TV shows! Particularly the current state of… Continue Reading


394: More Like Trashpoint

 We’ve waited long enough! The time is now to talk about The Flash, because everyone who’s going to have seen it has seen it. And look, I know that us saying that, and also calling this episode “Trashpoint,” makes… Continue Reading