297: Lokio Drift

 It’s MCU takeover time! This week the boys discuss both Loki AND Modok in the main topic. Spoilers abound! And for the warm up they talk the newest Shang-Chi trailer and unpack EVERYTHING stuffed into that little gem! All… Continue Reading


296: The Summers Family Deadbeat Dad Reunion

Our Podcast Dad didn’t send the cheque on time, so this Father’s Day episode is a week late AND we’re talking about the deadbeat dads of comics! Take that! Superhero books have more than their fair share of bad father… Continue Reading


295: I Mean, It’s Fine

 It’s podcasting time, for real! This week, we’re talking about the never-meant-for-release-but-you-can-totally-find-it-on-YouTube Fantastic Four movie, from 1994! Marvel at the use of TMNT-level Thing anamatronics, be dumbfounded by the age gap between Reed and Sue, struggle in vain to… Continue Reading


294: A Mighty Allen Wind

 Are you hungry for ridiculous comic book food content? WELL…. you’ve come to the right place. The boys deliver an all food episode that is, well, delicious. From figuring out what the Flash eats to power that lean, mean… Continue Reading


293: Let’s Two This Thing!!

In honour of… um, national flip a coin day…? We dig deep on everyone’s favourite district attorney and/or coin-flipping criminal madman, TWO-FACE! But it’s not as one-sided as it seems! What makes Harvey such a compelling character who’s been explored… Continue Reading


292: Starring Lockjaw

 In this Lightning Round episode, we answer such questions as:- who should be the new lead character in Marvel Two-In-One? – who would win in a fight between Quasar and The Thing (with a heavy flashlight)? – which Justice… Continue Reading


291: The Hulk is on a Quest to get Spaghetti

 The Hulk! AND spaghetti! In ONE EPISODE?!?! GADZOOKS!! This week has everything, from hearing Kyle pitch new hilarious Hulk comics as The Immortal Hulk comes to an end, to hearing each of us make pitches for more obscure/underused characters,… Continue Reading


290: The Colossus Of Podcasts, the Colossus Of Wayne

It’s “Fix a Character” time! Piotr Rasputin, Colossus of the X-Men, is a beloved classic character that just doesn’t seem work outside of a team. Strong, stoic yet sensitive, but maybe lacking the energy that makes other characters extra (X-tra!?)… Continue Reading


288: The Zemo Shuffle

 Falcon and the Winter Soldier has come to an end and the boys made sure not to utter a word about it until it’s done! …. well, let the floodgates open! A review and discussion on Disney +’s newest… Continue Reading