325: Eternally Yours

Did you know that Marvel put out an Eternals movie? No, really! It was in, like, October or something? Anyway, to celebrate it being out on streaming now, we’re joined by our good friend Ryan Mackett to talk about it!… Continue Reading


324: REBCAST! (The Reb Brown Podcast)

Resurrecting seemingly-dead franchises and series is all the rage these days, from Snyder finally getting his Cut, to returning Batmen, Spider-Men and Supermen, to fan campaigns to bring back old favourites as far as the eye can read! We have… Continue Reading


323: The Wizard Did It

 We made it! 2022! So what do we need to talk about? A movie from last year, of course. SPIDER-MAN:NO WAY JOSE…er….HOME Spoiler alert, we’re diving head first and full on into this jam packed jammy movie. From fan… Continue Reading


319: 400 Heads in a Bag

Three grown men talking about action figures, that’s what audiences crave, right? Because that’s what we’re doing this week! We lament over the loss of REAL Hulk Hands, and come up with some great new toys for kids of all… Continue Reading


318: At the Speed of Snowplow!

Winter in comic books is kinda… weird, right? Like it rarely happens, and when it does it always seems to be over after a single issue or story-arc. And as semi-northern Canadians, we have a podcast episode to pick with… Continue Reading


317: Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye

 It’s HAWKEYE DAY!!! Or Toga Hawkeye day. Or Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye day. Whatever. It’s Clint Barton Day (And Kate Bishop!). We’re celebrating the release of the Disney+ MCU Hawkeye series by talkin’ Hawkeye! The good, the bad, and the… Continue Reading


316: Celery Day Stalkslam

 For thousands of years, the debate has raged: Christmas? Halloween? Which is the supreme holiday? Today we solve this decisively, once and for all, ion the typical manner of making a bunch of characters, each representing one of the… Continue Reading