387: The Chip Zdarsky Interview – Add Beards, Do Cocaine

 Chip Zdarsky! We interview Chip Zdarsky! Lookit us! Talking to other people and stuff. Chip of course is a comic writer/artist of such books as Sex Criminals, Public Domain, Kaptara, Jughead, Howard the Duck, Daredevil and that little title… Continue Reading


382: Superman’s Race with the Flash – Sponsored by Brown Sprite

 It’s DRAMATIC READING time and we have a CLASSIC DOOZY for ya!! Superman racing the Flash! It doesn’t get much more iconic than that…. but we can make it a lot weirder and funnier! And we do! Listen along… Continue Reading


369: It’s a Latverian Death Metal Christmas

 It’s that time…. between Christmas and New Years…. but we’re still feeling festive & fun so we’re doing a CHRISTMAS DRAMATIC READING!!!! Oh yea, and it’s a gooder!  ‘I’ll be Doom for Christmas: A Yuletide Fable”.  Dr Doom takes… Continue Reading


356: I Would Like the Karloff Space Weed, Please

 It’s dramatic reading time! Put on your space helmets and your horror hats… wait… that’s two hats. Sorry. I had too much of the Karloff Space Weed. Just… do… um….. click…. the thing that…. awwwww…. man. Click the thing.… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3: Free with the Kisses

 We’re still on vacation! This week we’re in freaking ATLANTIS!!! So while we drown, you get to listen to Merk’s pick for a CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES episode….. Free with the Kisses….. that’s the name of it. Free with the… Continue Reading


338: All the Batmen

 Batmen! Batmen! Batmen! Say it three times in a mirror while holding a baby robin and a bat in your pants … and nothing happens. Well maybe rabies. That’s another urban legend. This however is the legend of the… Continue Reading