437: No Ice Cream Until You Join The Defenders

The question all comic fans have wrestled with their whole lives! Which member of The Defenders is the best Defender!? We take five, uh, famous Defenders — The Silver Surfer! Hellcat! Nighthawk! Moondragon! Valkyrie! — and pit them against each… Continue Reading


434: John Lith-Go @#$% Yourself

A week late, but worth the wait! As we enter a weird summer movie season in a year with few superhero movies, at least by 21st century standards, we feel compelled to discuss the untapped cinematic potential of comic series… Continue Reading


412: When You Have Optic Blasts, Every Problem is a Nail

Oh no, I missed mean ol’ Professor Xavier’s class last week, and now we’re all stuck in detention! And he’s forcing the whole class to judge his original five students against each other by some very scientific criteria: Powers! Fighting… Continue Reading


381: Through the Cronen-Hole

Today we descend into darkness as we discuss those wretched hives of scum and villainy: comment sections and fan forums! Okay, okay, there are plenty of wonderful and positive fan communities that we all love, and should! But something about… Continue Reading


181: Do the Webs Come From the Claws?

 Do you ever get tired of the same old powers? Day after day, the same heat vision, the same boring adamantium claws? Well, have comics got the solution for you! That’s right, this week we’re talking about all the… Continue Reading


163 : August Oddness – Punching Monkeys

 FIGHT BOOK CLUB!!! It’s that time again! Number 4 so far!!! Twice a year we do a round robin tournament. Everyone secretly picks a few champions and then we have our random matches, run by dungeony master Kyle, and… Continue Reading


139: They Made It Up!

 Wakanda foreeeeveeer! Today, in advance of Black Panther coming out (oh, it’s out now? Cool, go see that!), we’re talking about T’Challa. From origins to current incarnation, we feel bad about not being smart enough to cover it all.… Continue Reading