277: Martian Hunterbean

Y’know who’s boring and they never seem to get right, even though he’s pretty much the same as Superman? Martian Manhunter. Think the three of us can fix the comic book equivalent of Great Value cola? Have we got it in us? The answer lies in this episode!

All that, plus we’ve got Robin-only news (look, two outta three ain’t bad), and we verbally spar over who would win in a fight between Godzilla and King Kong.

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276: Where’s Rambo and Your Scary Dead Boyfriend?

Rambo and dead boyfriends! Wandavision is pretty great, amirite? This week we delve into the mysteries of episode 4 of that MCU show as well as exploring intercompany comic crossovers. What did we love the best? What disappointed us and crushed our comic souls? and then we EACH get to give the elevator pitch …. what company crossover would we want to see? All that plus Netflix Sandman casting, a trip back to the Snyder Castle and Mother Box Happy Meals…..Join us, won’t you?

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275: Hope v Dickery: Debate of Superman

Superman: beacon of hope, or beacon of NOPE? That’s the question we grapple with today! Does Superman inspire humanity to greatness, or is he just a power-rich jerk in a dumb cape? Do other heroes better represent the hopeful ideal? (And what is “hope”, anyway? Sounds made-up!) We go to some places with this one!

PLUS! All the news you can listen to: Black Widow, the Dwayne McDuffie awards, Power Rangers on Kickstarter, Miles Morales, Scott Pilgrim, and… [sigh]… Morbius. And we create new characters improv-style in a special Superman-themed Character Storm!

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274: Several Issues Graphic Novel Podcast

Y’know, we as a podcast may have fallen victim to the super hero industrial complex. We used to talk about comics! This week we take a break from what’s going on in super hero books and TV shows and movies, and focus on some smaller stories, some very good graphic novels that we’ve ready recently.

Oh but before that, we cover Marvel movie and TV news that is mostly baseless rumours, and then talk about WandaVision for like fifteen minutes. Moderation!

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273: Kraven the Deli Owner

QUITTERS!! The lot of ’em!!! That’s what superheroes are! And that’s what we’re talking about this week. Can you think of a hero that hasn’t, even for just a short bit, called it quits? It’s a small list. From Tony Stark and the sauce, Daredevil and his law career, Wonder Woman getting sick of life off Paradise Island, to Spidey and…. well…. every five minutes, heroes love to quit. We delve deep. Who quit and became a blind bartender? Who quit and became Black Beard? And so many more. Plus we talk news! There are comic cons going on soon….. uh….. ok. Black Panther delays. Jeff Lemire’s Sweet Tooth show. And Merk delves into manga (a new thing for him) in a ‘read this now’. So don’t quit now! You’re almost there! Sit back, relax, click that button and listen to Kraven the Deli Owner serve up a lil’ bite of deligh …. ah… quit it.


272: Wondy, Mando, and the “Multiplicity” Sequel

Kick off 2021 with us as we dig into a couple of the big releases of the season: Wonder Woman 1984 and The Mandalorian! We’ve got some different, and at times complicated, takes on these two, and we hope we have something a little more interesting to say than a lot of the reactions online. But that’s not all! We hear about Chip Zdarsky and Jason Loo’s graphic novel “Afterlift”, react to the potential Michael Keaton Cinematic Universe, a potential Bat-revival, the Eternals, a new Spider-Man costume, and more – oh my!

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271: Remy LeBeau’s Homemade Spicy Gumbo (and other cards against human decency)

2020 is over, bay-bee! And to close out a gross year, let’s play a gross game: comic cards against humanity! And fair warning, this gets VERY raunchy very quickly. Not safe for work, or the kids, or anyone with their mind out of the gutter. Draw a card, and… LET’S GO! (And don’t forget to check out the video version!!)

Video Version!

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270: Light Up the Whole World

It’s the holiday season, so we’re celebrating once again with a Power Records Christmas! This year, we’re finally getting to the W̶o̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ Superman story! It’s time to light up the Christmas tree on the White House lawn, but some dick (yeah, I’m saying it, this guy’s a dick!) has decided that he doesn’t just want to light up a tree; he wants to light up the whole world! Can the Man of Steel stop him in time? Can Jimmy Olsen trip over a bucket or something, saving the day? Can the UN actually accomplish something? Find out this week!

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269: We Can Always Talk About DB Cooper

Well Disney dropped a BOMBSHELL the other day, announcing their upcoming plans for all of their properties for the next bazillion years at their investors conference! We of course are focusing on the MARVEL next phase announcements! SO MANY!!! Sure we knew about a lot of this, upcoming films & series, but there were A LOT of reveals of tidbits, whether it be casting news (she hulk, Ms Marvel, Hawkeye and beyond) or brand new announcements we had no clue about (FF, Secret Avengers, Ironheart, Armor Wars….). Not to mention the TRAILERS! So many little bits & hints unleashed….. and we are giddy as 3 school girls! Join us as we break it down for you and explore the MARVELous things on the horizon.

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268: He’s Oofing and Socking and Whacking and Banging

It’s time for another exciting, lumberjack filled, rocket levering, punchin’ and jabberjawin’ dramatic read with Big Red McLane-King of the Northwoods!! From the bizarre mind of Fletcher Hanks, we take you into the northwoods with our dramatic radio play like skills! This week it’s the villainy of ‘The Monk’ as he, for some absolutely unknown reason, kidnaps lumberjacks to force them into suicidal, experimental rocket missions! Yup. Need a rocket to blow up right? Get a lumberjack! Join us for the hilarity.

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