297: Lokio Drift

It’s MCU takeover time! This week the boys discuss both Loki AND Modok in the main topic. Spoilers abound! And for the warm up they talk the newest Shang-Chi trailer and unpack EVERYTHING stuffed into that little gem! All that plus new Transformers movie news, the trial of Magneto for killing _______!!! And how many X-Men #1 covers does it take to sink the comic industry AGAIN? We speculate. Squirtle Recall! And at least 3 awkward jokes about gonorrhea. Join us…. at a respectful distance, won’t you?

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296: The Summers Family Deadbeat Dad Reunion

Our Podcast Dad didn’t send the cheque on time, so this Father’s Day episode is a week late AND we’re talking about the deadbeat dads of comics! Take that! Superhero books have more than their fair share of bad father figures, but what makes one a deadbeat instead of a garden-variety neglectful or abusive A-hole? Which deadbeat super-dad is the deadbeatiest of all? And how many of these disappointments are from the Summers family? (Believe it or not, some aren’t!)

But that’s not all! We’ve got news: a Warren Ellis announcement finally set off a real response to allegations from SoManyOfUs.com; Miles Morales gets a new costume; and Ben Reilly returns to the role of Spider-Man. And then Merk guides Kyle & Bry through the many surprising covers of the Batman 1966 theme song – some you may not believe!

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295: I Mean, It’s Fine

It’s podcasting time, for real! This week, we’re talking about the never-meant-for-release-but-you-can-totally-find-it-on-YouTube Fantastic Four movie, from 1994! Marvel at the use of TMNT-level Thing anamatronics, be dumbfounded by the age gap between Reed and Sue, struggle in vain to understand what Doom is saying over the clacking of his metal manacles, and ignore The Jeweler! Ignore them!

Plus: news about Dark Horse, Spider-Verse, and McFarlane Toys, and a quiz all about unproduced unmovies! They were never made, and now they are un!

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294: A Mighty Allen Wind

Are you hungry for ridiculous comic book food content? WELL…. you’ve come to the right place.
The boys deliver an all food episode that is, well, delicious.
From figuring out what the Flash eats to power that lean, mean flashing machine, to figuring out how the Thing eats and…. what happens….
Who’s the best X-Cook?
Bry gets very excited by getting to select his disgusting TMNT pizza of choice!
Superhero cookbooks! Wolverine in a diaper! Superman’s beef bourguignon!
All that food plus news of Jupiter’s Legacy being (kind of) cancelled, Hulk & Venom switcheroo, Flashpoint Keaton, Merk’s bush chicken story (it’s a Bonaduce special!) AND we answer a big serious question from a devoted fan….well…. Kyle’s daughter…. who doesn’t read comics…..and never listens to us…. but it’s a question!!
Join us for this X-tra gross episode….
Brought to you by the fantastic folks at Rose N’ Crantz Roasting company. They’re much classier than us.

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293: Let’s Two This Thing!!

In honour of… um, national flip a coin day…? We dig deep on everyone’s favourite district attorney and/or coin-flipping criminal madman, TWO-FACE! But it’s not as one-sided as it seems! What makes Harvey such a compelling character who’s been explored so deeply over the years? Who could have, should have, and did play Harvey on Batman ’66? What bizarre other versions and imitators of Two-Face have flipped through the comics pages over the years? What would happen if Billy Dee Williams and Tommy Lee Jones got together… in more ways than one? All this and so much more! And don’t change the, uh, podcast channel when you hear the outro theme, there may be a trick to this one.

But that’s not all, folks! We’ve got a Two-Face actor quiz! We’ve got a very special “MFK”! We’ve got new DC cartoons and a Darkhawks and Highlanders and everything. AND we’ve got a delightful sponsor, Rose N Crantz Roasting Company — use the promo code zeroissues for 10% off your order!

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292: Starring Lockjaw

In this Lightning Round episode, we answer such questions as:- who should be the new lead character in Marvel Two-In-One?

– who would win in a fight between Quasar and The Thing (with a heavy flashlight)?
– which Justice League member should own Cheers?
– is the new Nightwing book good and does it make Bry happy?

So if you don’t know the answers to these questions, boy, is this the podcast for you.

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291: The Hulk is on a Quest to get Spaghetti

The Hulk! AND spaghetti! In ONE EPISODE?!?! GADZOOKS!! This week has everything, from hearing Kyle pitch new hilarious Hulk comics as The Immortal Hulk comes to an end, to hearing each of us make pitches for more obscure/underused characters, and news like John Romita jr returning to Marvel and drawing Magneto (and train tracks!), A Dragon Ball movie, and hear us giggle with joy as we discuss MST3K getting crowdfunded for a new season!!! ALL that PLUS you get to hear Bry say “I apologize for not knowing Burt Reynolds was dead.” Top THAT, chuckles!!

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290: The Colossus Of Podcasts, the Colossus Of Wayne

It’s “Fix a Character” time! Piotr Rasputin, Colossus of the X-Men, is a beloved classic character that just doesn’t seem work outside of a team. Strong, stoic yet sensitive, but maybe lacking the energy that makes other characters extra (X-tra!?) popular. Join us for three series pitches that explore some very different, but very “us” takes on the X-Man of Steel! Legal intrigue, art rights, and what makes a life! An urban Mutant Town protector! A Savage Land family reunion that leads to Conan-esque adventure! This one’s got it all! DA TOVARISCH! (Someone tell Marvel to listen to this one!)

Also: Plenty of news, from the sad passing of John Paul Leon to Invincible and Red Sonja news, to endless Marvel teasers. We go on a musical adventure called JUKEBOX ZERO! And all of it made possible by our lovely sponsor, RNC COFFEE! Use the promo code zeroissues at rnccoffee.ca!

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289: Moidawoild

Oh boy, they’ve really done it this time! Bry and Merk thought they won it big when they recieved some complimentary tickets to the local fair, but what they really won were two tickets deep into the heart of Murderworld! Can they escape before Arcade’s carnival of chaos consumes their corpses? Can Merk best a robotic Seth Green in tic tac toe? Is Bry not to be trusted with darts? And where’s Kyle? Find out this week on Zero Issues!

Also, we do news and a character storm, but after that description, I’m… I’m very winded.

Brought to you by beans! But not just any beans, but those fancy “energy beans” from Rose N’ Crantz Roasting Co! (Use the promo code zeroissues to save 10%!)

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288: The Zemo Shuffle

Falcon and the Winter Soldier has come to an end and the boys made sure not to utter a word about it until it’s done! …. well, let the floodgates open! A review and discussion on Disney +’s newest Marvel series! Bry also does a ‘read this now’ about a new DC title! And news! A trailer for Shang Chi drops! Captain America 4 announced! Find out what comic characters are most searched for in each country! And Russell Crowe going to be a drunken Aussie Zeus in Thor 4? We hope so!


Brought to you by the juice of life, sweet coffee from Rose N’ Crantz Roasting Co! (Use the promo code zeroissues to save 10%!)

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