257: We’d Just Have to Take a Bunch of Peyote and Go For It

 It’s DRAMATIC READ time once again as we wrap ourselves in the warm, strange blanket that is Fletcher Hanks and his gigantic hero STARDUST the SUPER WIZARD!!!! Follow along as Stardust crushes people’s torsos with one hand! Avoids a… Continue Reading


255: I Want to see Mike Mignola Draw Hank Hill

 It’s creator spotlight time as the boys discuss Hellboy creator and inky wizard, Mike Mignola! From his early days with Marvel (until he dropped an upper decker in Jim Shooter’s toilet….. that story is unconfirmed) to his awesome pandemic… Continue Reading


254: King to Legend

This week we react to the unexpected death of Chadwick Boseman, celebrate his career, his iconic portrayal of T’Challa, the Black Panther, and discuss the lasting cultural impact he made on the character and beyond. But first, we break down… Continue Reading


253: Peril at Castle Snyder

 We really meant for this episode to be all about Mike Mignola, we did! But then Bry and Kyle were told of a secret screening of the Snyder Cut that was happening out at a private country estate, and…… Continue Reading


252: A Guy Who Knows Karate VS Doctor Octopus

 FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! It’s that time once again! August Audness as we call it, where we pick 8 comic characters and put them through a round robin tournament to name a champion! Some are pretty tough calls and it… Continue Reading


251: 3 Scary Stories

 Hell-o, my little ghoulies and gobloids! It is I, the Crypt Haver, ready to deliver you another tale of… oh, what? It’s a Lightning Round episode? They don’t really talk about scary stuff at all, except for one of… Continue Reading


250: Magneto’s Mutant-Making Orgasm Machine

Believe it or not, the year 2000 was 20 years ago! So this week we look back and celebrate the original X-MEN movie! The film that introduced Hugh Jackman (and, to some extent, Wolverine) to the public at large! How… Continue Reading


249: Worf Tonight, The Hawkeye App, Mom Jeans and Other News

 Let’s be honest. It’s been a weird few months. We’re all feeling it. Us too at the podcast. It’s been so strange that for the past few months we’ve barely touched on one of the cornerstones of the podcast….… Continue Reading


248: The Roast of Hal Jordan

 From beautiful downtown Coast City, it’s a star studded event filled with laughs, tears, masked vigilantes and utter humiliation! It’s the ROAST OF HAL JORDAN!! Yes, the Green Lantern is in the crosshairs of his peers as they celebrate… Continue Reading