209: Ditko Sandwiches!!

It’s Comics Cards Against Humanity time once again! We pit even more of our original questions and answers against each other in a match that isn’t safe for children, or work, or well-adjusted human minds! But first, in honour of… Continue Reading


194: It Takes a Papa Smurf to Build a Village

Ryan Mackett, the TBay Movie Guy, joins us once again! In honour of Father’s Day, we celebrate all the best dads and father figures in comics – your Uncle Bens, your Pa Kents, and all the other Dads and Honourary… Continue Reading


183: Nothing Like Hot Yogurt

 Does anybody here like food? This week, we get reeeal snacky, and talk all about food in comics. Does Superman really need to eat? What is the worst thing that the Ninja Turtles have ever ordered on a pizza? Is… Continue Reading


181: Do the Webs Come From the Claws?

 Do you ever get tired of the same old powers? Day after day, the same heat vision, the same boring adamantium claws? Well, have comics got the solution for you! That’s right, this week we’re talking about all the… Continue Reading


176: Batman’s Super Smooth Running Machine Christmas

 Well it’s that time of year….. Time for the Zero Issues Boys to put together a little audio cheer in podcast form. This week’s cheerful bliss comes in the form of a Batman story on vinyl, telling the bizarre… Continue Reading


166: Going to Hal in a Handbasket on a Bicycle Built for Two Hals

 This week we discuss Henry Cavill’s possible exit from the Superman movies? Maybe? Is that what’s going on? Or is he going crazy? Or are we? All of the above? That and we talk about the Joker Phoenix, the… Continue Reading


155: Wolverine Gets Deported

It’s just past Canada Day! It’s the Fourth of July! Tensions are rising on the Canada-US border! So for three Canadian comic fans and creators… what does this mean!? This week we talk all about the impact of an increasing… Continue Reading


151: With the Power of His Adult Man Brain

Betty vs. Veronica? Star Trek vs. Star Wars? Batman vs. Literally Anyone? Fans have debated these questions for decades, and finally, FINALLY, we settle ten of the biggest arguments in fandom once or for all! (And we mean it! No… Continue Reading


140: Long Pause, Then a Sawhorse

Oh my! Today is a day the boys travel in time! Whether it’s to tell you the comic news (because it’s recorded several weeks before it airs!), or Bry goes to back over a decade to make a superhero movie… Continue Reading