181: Do the Webs Come From the Claws?

 Do you ever get tired of the same old powers? Day after day, the same heat vision, the same boring adamantium claws? Well, have comics got the solution for you! That’s right, this week we’re talking about all the… Continue Reading


170: The Hypno Hustler Halloween Special

 It’s that time of year so break out yer spooky face and join us for the Hypno Hustler Halloween Special! Find out about a (not) possible Deadman show with Scott Bakula & Jennifer Love Hewitt! Learn how to get… Continue Reading


169 : She’s got her $#!% Together and he’s got his $#!% in a Box at his Aunt’s!

 Gotta keep the status quo! Such is the mantra of many comics fans. But can it work to switch it up? Has it worked to do a big character/story shift? That’s what we talk about this week. From Nightwing… Continue Reading


167: I’m a Reporter

 I tried to put that Eminem song about Venom in this one, but it just…it wasn’t in the cards, y’know? Also how silly is it that there’s a song about Venom that Eminem did? Were the guys from 21… Continue Reading


164: Gunning Away

All’s relatively quiet on the Disney/Marvel front, and unless a miracle occurs, it looks like James Gunn’s firing from “Guardians of the Galaxy” movies is final. But a question remians: what’s next for the jilted director? We take a look… Continue Reading


157: I Don’t Need Luck, I Eat Nuts

This week we pay tribute to the life and career of Steve Ditko! From the art, stories, and characters that helped shape comics, to his long and varied history in the industry, the wide-ranging influences he left, and the personal… Continue Reading


149: That Story Not Good Made No Sense

DEATH!!!! It’s all around us. Like cheese and poor customer service, but this week on ZERO ISSUES COMIC PODCAST we’re going head on, face to face, general seriouso, no bull$%#& with comic book deaths….. so …. really…. nothing…. because everyone… Continue Reading


148 – Infinity Thrashin

 We’re going to spoil you. SPOILERS!!! We’re talking Infinity Warring Gauntlet Avengers thing! We’re talking skateboards, how Thanos wetting the bed is a sing of being a psychopath, just a little CLR and water will get out that cosmic… Continue Reading