461: Doctor Solar vs. Ol’ Iceberg-Shoes Larry

It’s time for another electrifying Dramatic Reading, as we travel back to 1966 for Doctor Solar: Man of the Atom #17! Reacting to a volcanic plot from his arch-nemesis, NURO, the good DOCTOR SOLAR must recharge his waning atomic powers… Continue Reading


382: Superman’s Race with the Flash – Sponsored by Brown Sprite

 It’s DRAMATIC READING time and we have a CLASSIC DOOZY for ya!! Superman racing the Flash! It doesn’t get much more iconic than that…. but we can make it a lot weirder and funnier! And we do! Listen along… Continue Reading


369: It’s a Latverian Death Metal Christmas

 It’s that time…. between Christmas and New Years…. but we’re still feeling festive & fun so we’re doing a CHRISTMAS DRAMATIC READING!!!! Oh yea, and it’s a gooder!  ‘I’ll be Doom for Christmas: A Yuletide Fable”.  Dr Doom takes… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3: Free with the Kisses

 We’re still on vacation! This week we’re in freaking ATLANTIS!!! So while we drown, you get to listen to Merk’s pick for a CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES episode….. Free with the Kisses….. that’s the name of it. Free with the… Continue Reading


342: The Death of Torpedoman!

From the blessed content fountain known as the public domain, here we blast off in another dramatic reading of a bonkers golden-age comic! TORPEDOMAN! The man who is also a torpedo, I guess? “Ghostly Weird Stories”published by Four Star/Ajax-Farrell brings… Continue Reading


286: Stardust and the Burger King Kids Club

JOIN US! For another action-packed dramatic reading from the Tome of Fletcher Hanks! In another inexplicable STARDUST adventure, our daring hero tackles the sinister FIFTH COLUMN, using his secret weapon: CHILD ENDANGERMENT! Magnets are installed! Winged bombs fly! Unsettling costumes… Continue Reading