237: “Hawkman is His Safeword” or: “Daddy, I Want a Hawk!”

KAWW! This week we’re aiming to “fix” another under-appreciated or maligned character… this time, the Hecka Hard-to-follow Hawkman! Carter and/or Katar Hall is mostly famous for an extremely convoluted (even for comics) backstory and continuity. So we aim to do… Continue Reading


235: 3 Rosenbaums and a Snyder Cut

 Well Easter just went by so it’s time for the boys to take a look at comic characters that come back from the dead….. so basically everyone. But they do explore the hilarity of a few like Jean Grey… Continue Reading


233: Colossus’s Magical Death Stench

 In a very, very topical turn of events, this week’s episode is all about diseases and viruses in comic books. So, from the safety of our various bunkers (no, really, we’re all recording remotely, just like a real podcast!), we… Continue Reading


232: Hex Hex Lightning Bolt Battling Covid 19

 Self Isolation! Social Distancing! Disease Lockdown! How do i get my comics?!?! With all this craziness going on, we aren’t able to do a ‘regular’ stupid episode of the podcast…. so we’ve put together a ‘Special’ stupid episode of… Continue Reading


231: But Does He Have a Butt Gun?

 Our semi annual…er… bi-annual…. or…. whenever we fell it it….March Madness is back!!! We each secretly choose characters and then throw them into a round robin tournament… a battle to the last!! 8 comic characters whittled down to ONE… Continue Reading


229: A Batman who Washes His Ass

Holy smokes, did you know there’s a new Batman movie in the works right now, helmed by Matt Reeves and starring Robert Pattinson? So I guess there won’t be anyone else playing Batman after this, he’s the last one, nobody… Continue Reading


225: As Long as Jon Cryer gets Punched in the Face

Let’s ARROWVERSE the %^$# out of this! Crisis! The end of Arrow (Bry is ecstatic!). A spoiler filled exploration of the CW trainwreck that we kinda like…. kinda….. plus so much more! The Marvel Hulu debacle! Obi Wan does Weekend… Continue Reading


223: It’s a Terrible

IT’S A TERRIBLE…costume. Terrible. The worst. Which character wins THAT distinct honour? There are plenty battling in that secret war. Join us as we discuss ridiculous costumes! PLUS…. we go over a bevy of movie news, from Christian Bale’s reported… Continue Reading


222: Hindsight and 2020

 And just like that, 2019 is over, and 2020 is upon us! Last year, we made a whooooole bunch of predictions for how 2019 was going to go, and now it’s time to crack open that audio time capsule… Continue Reading


221: A Vunda Voman Christmas

 Happy Holidays fellow Comic geeks! We have a treat for you today on xmas day…… a Wonder Woman Christmas story from a 1977 vinyl…. and we talk over the whole thing! Sounds great doesn’t it? It totally is. Think… Continue Reading