350: Devito Doritos

 It’s episode 350! Time for Doritos! And Devito! This week we’re short a host but we persevere to give you the mid grade quality podcast you expect and love! We talk Thor and a new Thanos one shot, Loki… Continue Reading


349: Toothgnasher and Other Goat

 How about those goats, huh? You’ve seen Thor Love and Thunder right? Well hopefully you have because we’re tearing it apart this week on the podcast! Thou hast been forewarned! And we’re also talking X-Men. Specifically, what’s going to… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 4: The Roast of Hal Jordan

The Zero Issues July Vacation Classic Spectacular comes to a close! As the boys try to remember how they got to the blue side of the Moon, enjoy what may be the most classic “classic” of all: From beautiful downtown… Continue Reading


Classic Zero Issues 3: Free with the Kisses

 We’re still on vacation! This week we’re in freaking ATLANTIS!!! So while we drown, you get to listen to Merk’s pick for a CLASSIC ZERO ISSUES episode….. Free with the Kisses….. that’s the name of it. Free with the… Continue Reading


347: Click This! You’ll Hate It!

 It’s new comic day, so therefore it’s new podcast day too!! And this week we’re talking directors. Film directors. And specifically film directors that do NOT like comic book films (for a variety of reasons). We discuss that a… Continue Reading


344: He’s Got a Tubular Spatial, Baby!

 It’s LIGHTNING ROUND TIME! Krackakoom? A bevy of short topics this week such as the recent Marvel Banner of War Hulk/Thor battle (in which we discuss what Celestial bits are floating in space), Kyle runs a game of SUPERFIGHT… Continue Reading


342: The Death of Torpedoman!

From the blessed content fountain known as the public domain, here we blast off in another dramatic reading of a bonkers golden-age comic! TORPEDOMAN! The man who is also a torpedo, I guess? “Ghostly Weird Stories”published by Four Star/Ajax-Farrell brings… Continue Reading


341: See You In the Grease Pit

 Welcome to the grease pit! What does that mean? …. I’m not sure even we know….. This week we celebrate the 20th anniversary of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY with a look at it’s history and beginnings. We also talk… Continue Reading


338: All the Batmen

 Batmen! Batmen! Batmen! Say it three times in a mirror while holding a baby robin and a bat in your pants … and nothing happens. Well maybe rabies. That’s another urban legend. This however is the legend of the… Continue Reading