Newsflash: February 6, 2023

WHOA! Have we got a LOT to talk about on the news…. in a short time! It’s a Zero Issues Newsflash Monday News episode and we’re talking about the DC Film announcements from James Gunn & Peter Safran! What’s staying?… Continue Reading


373: Egg in the Streets, Goldballs in the Sheets!

 KRAKAKOOM!! It’s LIGHTNING ROUND TIME!! Short topics. Quick turnaround. More bang for your buck…. if you were paying us. This week includes such finery as an X-Men Toilet! Robin in corduroy pants and a chain wallet! Who’s the best… Continue Reading


371: That’s Bad Glue

 POWER RECORDS COMING THROUGH!!!! Oh yea. It’s power records time. The 45’s from the 70’s that, oh so weirdly, dramatize comics. In this case Captain America 168 ‘And a Phoenix Shall Arise!!’. It’s a bizarre one… and slightly awkward… Continue Reading


369: It’s a Latverian Death Metal Christmas

 It’s that time…. between Christmas and New Years…. but we’re still feeling festive & fun so we’re doing a CHRISTMAS DRAMATIC READING!!!! Oh yea, and it’s a gooder!  ‘I’ll be Doom for Christmas: A Yuletide Fable”.  Dr Doom takes… Continue Reading


365: Waka Waka Wakanda

 Wakanda Forever ….. or for a little while at least on this podcast as we delve into our reactions to the newest Marvel Black Panther flick! Spoiler alertage! But we begin with a Merk Quiz about quotes from bad… Continue Reading


362: Cyclops in Blues Traveler

 Oh boy! Lots going on this week! Here’s the briefo rundowno! For a warm up we’re invested in bringing you the very vest… er …. best… or worst, rather, in comic costume redesigns. From Nova to Miles Morales, to… Continue Reading


359: Ted Talk

 Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Man-Thing! Say it THREE times into a mirror…. and you’ll be asked to leave that public washroom. Trust us. With Werewolf by Night appearing on Disney+ comes the MONSTERS!! And with the monsters….TED!! aka Man-Thing! In the… Continue Reading


356: I Would Like the Karloff Space Weed, Please

 It’s dramatic reading time! Put on your space helmets and your horror hats… wait… that’s two hats. Sorry. I had too much of the Karloff Space Weed. Just… do… um….. click…. the thing that…. awwwww…. man. Click the thing.… Continue Reading


353: Dr Druid. He’s Just Jordan Peterson Now.

 This week Merk springs a secret topic on the boys!! So secret we can’t even describe it here except to say….. Jordan Peterson becomes Dr Druid…. and a ghostbuster…… we dare say no more! Also… Chadwick Boseman! Superman &… Continue Reading


352: Can Someone Get this Weird Sticky Kid out of our House?

Holy hell, we have an episode to record! Time to pull out whatever miscellaneous crap we can find! For you, the listener, whom we’re, like, in love with and going to marry, apparently. Direct Download: MP3