317: Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye

 It’s HAWKEYE DAY!!! Or Toga Hawkeye day. Or Butterscotch Wolverine Hawkeye day. Whatever. It’s Clint Barton Day (And Kate Bishop!). We’re celebrating the release of the Disney+ MCU Hawkeye series by talkin’ Hawkeye! The good, the bad, and the… Continue Reading


316: Celery Day Stalkslam

 For thousands of years, the debate has raged: Christmas? Halloween? Which is the supreme holiday? Today we solve this decisively, once and for all, ion the typical manner of making a bunch of characters, each representing one of the… Continue Reading


315: The Skrull Cows Show Up in This!

You KNOW it’s serious when it’s superhero event time and “war” is in the title! Even though it happens with just alarming regularity, really. We dig deep into a wild variety of superhero war stories: The Kree-Skrull War, The Evolutionary… Continue Reading


314: Let’s Clean Out the Old Newshole

 Well we had a fun & spooky month but now…. it’s back to business. On to the news! A lot has happened in comic book/film news so we dive right in with Marvel’s problems with Penguin/Random House distribution, Image… Continue Reading


312: Morbius, Morbius, Morbius, and Kevin Bacon

The Spooky Month continues, and this week it’s our spookiest trick yet – fixing a character! Namely, good ol’ living vampire Michael “Morbius” Morbius! Now Morbius is a perfectly fine science vampire, but for some reason we just can’t sink… Continue Reading


310: The Goal was Always to Eat the Sandwich

 Hey, kids! You like them Squid Games, right? Battle Royale-type stuff? Well then, have we got an episode for you. Watch as our contestants battle over half a sandwich, karaoke, explaining the plot of Tenet, and more! Plus, we’ve… Continue Reading


309: The New Fifty-Zero

The New 52 debuted 10 years ago – more like the OLD 52, am I right?? – so it’s time to take a look back on its impact, its legacy, its highs and lows, what can be learned from it,… Continue Reading


308: Magneto of Green Gables

 It’s a big election week this week in ol’ Canada, so the boys have decided to talk politics! No! Come back! It’s us! We’re ridiculous about it and it all involves comic books! How would Batman vote? What comic… Continue Reading