469: The Age of Peak Garcia Lopez

 JOSE LUIS GARCIA LOPEZ!! This week the boys celebrate this amazing artist for all that he’s given to comics. From his early days in Argentina starting out in comics, to the iconic work creating the DC Style Guide, to… Continue Reading


467: Cloak and Dagger and Alan Moore’s Horny Cthulhu

It’s been a bit since we had a “Fix This Character” episode, in which we reimagine underperforming characters in wildly different ways! This time: CLOAK and DAGGER! And to be honest, Ty and Tandy are great and don’t really need… Continue Reading


465: You Name Another Thing That’s Green and Orange, and Then You Can Stop Shaking Your Head

 This week, to coincide with the release of Captain America: Brave New World, we’re covering Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, partners in… well, not crime, but mostly the opposite? Captain America and The Falcon, partners since the ’60s. How… Continue Reading


460: A Couple of Bucks Short

 Do you have a mentor? Someone who helped guide you through the weirdness of life? Helped you with picking your first cape to go on patrol in? Or how to take down a sleezeball mugging an old lady at… Continue Reading


258: The Gunn Show (and other news)

<iframe src=”https://archive.org/embed/zero-issues-258-the-gunn-show-and-other-news” width=”100%” height=”60″ frameborder=”0″ webkitallowfullscreen=”true” mozallowfullscreen=”true” allowfullscreen></iframe> We haven’t done a news episode for a while, and there’s a whole bunch of somewhat-new and new-new stuff we want to talk about, so here we are! The Superman teaser dropped… Continue Reading


456 – A Yuletide Special

As the days grow shorter and the nights grow colder, it’s time once again for Bry, Merk, and Kyle to celebrate the season, and to get a little silly about comic books and the holidays. This year, it’s a Lightning… Continue Reading


449: Does Turbo Teen Pray to Car Jesus?

Let’s race into a new episode all about cars in comics! Vroom vroom, and so on! Which of the ever-iconic Batmobiles is the most iconic? Do the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles drive the Turtle Van or the Party Wagon? Which… Continue Reading


447: Get Me Jensen Ackles

 “Which production logo are we using this time, fellas?” This week, we’re covering the DC Animated Universe of Films, or I guess it’s more of a multiverse, or DCAUFOIGIMOAM. What are the good ones? What are the duds? Is… Continue Reading


445: Inglorious Adam West

 Be our guest, be our guest, Brandon Ingram is our guest! Indie comic creator/writer Brandon is on the show once again, discussing his awesome new kickstarter for his indie creation, THE GALLOWS MAN! He describes it as Adam West… Continue Reading